Subject: Planets and moons of the solar system

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3 years ago

Episode 1: Mercury

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest planet to the Sun. It orbits the Sun for 97 87 days and revolves around its axis for 59 days. It has no moon.

Structure and texture: -

Mercury has no atomic atmosphere, but according to NASA, it contains 42% oxygen, 29% sodium, 22% hydrogen, 6% helium, 5% potassium and some other compounds.

Its magnetic field is only 1% of the Earth's magnetic field

Internal structure: Its inner core is made of 2200 to 2400 miles of iron and 300 to 400 miles of thick layer of silicate

Axis: -

Its distance from the sun is 35,983,095 miles. Its axis is elliptical

Research and Search: -

The first spacecraft to reach Mercury was Mariner 10, which studied 45% of Mercury. NASA's MESSENGER craft passed by Mercury in March 2011. In addition, a spacecraft crashed on Mercury on April 30, 2015.

Episode 2: Planet Venus

The planet Venus is the second planet from the solar system in terms of distance from the Sun. It has a distance of 67,237,910 miles from the Sun. It is named after the Roman goddess of beauty. It can be seen before sunrise or before sunset.

Rotation around the Sun: -

The planet Venus orbits the Sun in the opposite direction to the Sun. It revolves around the Sun for 7,224 days and around its axis for 243 days. That is, the Sun rises in the west and sets in the East.

Area: -The surface area of ​​Venus is 4.6023 × 108 km2. The mass is 4.8675 × 1024 kg while the density is 5.243 / cm3 and the gravity is 8.87 m / s2.

Physical structure: Venus in terms of structure a little from the ground. Small makes up 80% of the Earth in terms of mass

The inner core of Venus is 2400 miles wide and 1200 miles thick. The crust of Venus is mostly made of basalt and is 10 to 12 miles thick.

atmosphere on Venus: -

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature here reaches 471 degrees Celsius. Its atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide which is 96% and the pressure is 90 times higher than the earth.

Research: The first spacecraft was Mariner 2, which passed close to Venus in May 1962. Then, in December 1970, Venera 7 landed on Venus. At the end of 2019, NASA launched the Venera-D mission to Venus.

Source: NASA and

Writing MFaheem313

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3 years ago
