The value of time in the light of Islamic teachings

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3 years ago

The value of time in the light of Islamic teachings Time is a common blessing of God, the Lord of Glory, which is equally available in human society to the rich, the poor, the learned, the ignorant, the big and the small. The example of time is given by this cell of ice kept in the hot sun which benefits It is better to pick it up, otherwise it will melt anyway. At this time, our society and society in general is a waste of time. European society, despite all its shortcomings and weaknesses, values time and lives under a regular system. One of the major reasons for their progress in science and technology is the appreciation of time. Nations that know how to value time can turn deserts into gullies, they can occupy the skies, they can shatter the livers of the mountains, they can lead the times, but nations that waste time, time wastes them, such nations are enslaved. They are forced to live their lives. They are in deficit both in religion and in the world. Today, the cheapest and most precious thing in our society, if there is one, is time. We do not realize its value. That is why the moments of time. To waste minutes for not valuing minutes, hours for not valuing minutes, weeks for not valuing hours, and months for not valuing weeks, and wasting years and ages for not valuing months. It has become very easy for us to spend time in meetings, chowpals, hotels and private gatherings and how much of our precious time is wasted in criticism, backbiting, slander and other nonsense and we don't even realize it. Importance of time in the light of Qur'an: Time is determined by Allah. Islam has emphasized on punctuality in all matters. We know that our life is the harvest of the Hereafter. What we sow in this world is what we sow in the Hereafter. If we do not value our time in this world and spend it in negligence and laziness, evil, sin and disobedience to Allah and His Messenger, we will face disappointment and remorse on the Day of Judgment and in this world as well. The Lord will say: "Did We not give you a long life in which anyone could seek admonition, and there came to you a warner? So taste the punishment, so there will be no helpers for the unjust." This is the basic philosophy due to which the importance of time has been emphasized in Islam. The importance of time in the light of the Holy Hadith: Sarkar Du'alam said: Consider five things as spoils before five. There is education for every believer in this holy hadith before illness and leisure before engagement, youth before old age and wealth before poverty. That he spent the times of this mortal life with great care and attention. Appreciation of time and our forefathers: The glorious life and pure life of our forefathers and elders of the religion is a model for us in this regard. And he completed it with carelessness and spent all the moments of time and time in all stages of life with appreciation and discipline. Therefore, it is written in the narration of Imam Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he used to write books day and night. Engagement was of such a degree that he was never conscious of food and clothes. For Imam Razi, time was so important that he regretted why the time for eating was wasted on scholarly pursuits. I swear I am sorry for missing out on academic pursuits while eating because time is dear to me. Appreciation of time has made him such a great imam of logic and philosophy that the world has recognized his leadership. A big reason for wasting time is mobile. : One of the major causes of wastage of precious time of youth in our society is mobile phone. And a large section of the madrassas could not be safe from this epidemic. Despite the strict ban and strict supervision by the organizers, the students still do not stop their actions if we want our society to If it is correct and educated then first of all we have to value time for it and only then we will get success and achievement in our g

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3 years ago


You have wonderfully explained the importance of time in Islam

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Thanks dear

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