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Avatar for M.J.
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3 years ago

I cry thinking of your words that will help me to cross my life.

I smile because I got the answer to my unspoken words from your glass.

I have suffered because I did not get the answer to my words.

I was jigsawing at you, why don't you have a smile on your face

He would leave without answering any of my words

At that time I felt very helpless. What can I do? I am like an orphan

There is no such place in the world where parents die

Brother, it is difficult for them to walk.

Even then he would not listen to me without answering any of my words

So many days went by and I was jigsawing again,

Aren't you happy with me?

Even then, he did not answer any of the questions as before

Remained silent.

In this way, a few months passed suddenly, one night after eating and going to bed, he told me

Said you come a little closer

I jiggled what it was like to never see so much love before, that day was the same as before

I missed the point.

I lay down on the far left in anger. He lay face down on top of me and fell asleep.

I called again and said, "Listen, huh, if you keep the price, don't keep the price well. Let me be like me. You don't like this agaimyi."

Even then he lay down like him and did not want to understand what I said

I have tried many times to get a warranty

I couldn't take it off. He put the pata on me in such a way that if I could take the pata down, I would fall asleep

I also fell asleep with anger.

$ 0.00


Having a big brother means a lot of farther support.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow awesome bro carry on

$ 0.00
3 years ago