Uncle ibrahim

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3 years ago

It's about 1957 a 50-year-old old man from Turkey kept a small shop in Residential structure a mystery somewhere in France

People of a poor person know and call that old man by the name of Uncle Ibrahim. Uncle Ibrahim's shop had chocolate in ice cream chestnuts tops for children in addition to Asia of small gray essentials ....!

There was a talk of a Jewish family on the board of this building Whose one 7 year old child was a Jad .Remembering the memory of Uncle Ibrahim's shop used to come to the house to buy a small memory. Uncle Ibrahim, after going to the shop, would find himself busy in some other work and never said to steal a chocolate.

???Won't you pick up more chartered Uncle Ibrahim did this thing in love or friendship was more than a word for jad

It was mostly believed that his theft was a zodiac Capricorn case Speaking of waking up, Uncle Ibrahim said that :I'll never steal you if you forgive me

But Uncle Ibrahim told the jad

If you promise that you will never steal anyone in your life, then a daily awakening happens on your behalf from me. Carried away

And finally, what happened to uncle's history on this matter

Time passed and in the same period, the children got more runs yesterday and got darker than Ibrahim's love. Rather it happened that Uncle Ibrahim had prepared the status of parents and friends for the caste. Whenever there was an issue in the night, it would be a problem for Uncle Ibrahim. In such a situation, the uncle removes from the drawer of the table and tells the known to open the book from anywhere. And Uncle recited two white from there telling me the solution to the issue Yad's heart knows so much and he goes home

And similarly 17 years passed in succession. After 17 years, when more 24-year-olds are made, yesterday, according to Ibrahim, he was 67 years old. Uncle Ibrahim Enough ...!

He left a box for remembrance with his sons His will was to give this gift to Sandip, honest and honest, after the death of the case. ..!

Remember when Uncle's sons found the box and the death of their relatives, the answer was very short. Because they had, according to him Opened the magic box So inside was the same book which was opened and given to uncle

More Uncle's sign was forced into other works by keeping at home But from day one, there was a problem If he were an uncle today, he would open his book and read two white and solve the problem. Uncle thought in tears and his tears came out.

Why don't i try myself today

He opened himself by opening the book But the problem of the book and writing was its problem After picking up the book, his three heads now went to a friend and told him that

Read me to page of it.

Asked the meaning and he resolved his issue before going back he asked his friend

What book is it

Taunsi said

This is the Book of Muslims Quran

Jad asked

How do Muslims become

Which one said

Kalma recites martyrdom and then implements Sharia

Jad said that

" تو پھر سن لو میں کہہ رہا ہوں أَشْهَدُ أَنّ لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّإ الله و أَشْهَدُ ان محمد رسول الله ...! "

جاد مسلمان ہو گیا اور اپنے لئے "جاد اللہ القرآنی" کا نام پسند کیا۔ نام کا اختیار اس کی قرآن سے والہانہ محبت کا کھلا ثبوت تھا۔ جاد اللہ نے قرآن کی تعلیم حاصل کی، دین کو سمجھا اور اور اس کی تبلیغ شروع کی ...!

Man, now I have over 6000 people on his hand who converted to Islam Looking at 1 day old papers, jad Allah saw a map of the world in the Quran given by Uncle Ibrahim.

جس میں براعظم افریقہ کے اردگرد لکیر کھینچی ہوئی تھی اور انکل کے دستخط کیے ہوئے تھے۔ ساتھ میں انکل کے ہاتھ سے ہی یہ آیت کریمہ لکھی ہوئی تھی:

" ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة "

" اپنے رب کے راستے کی طرف دعوت دو حکمت اور عمدہ نصیحت کے ساتھ ...! "

More Clock felt as soon as Uncle had health for him too and remember the same debt and Allah News determined to recover the edification And at the same time, bringing more young man from Kharwal made his house of goods in Kenya Saudan Uganda and its surroundings. For Dawte Haq, every difficulty and purse did not drag him on the path And Allah Ta'ala gave 6000000 human beings the light of Deen Islam at his home.

جاد اللہ نے افریقہ کے کٹھن ماحول میں اپنی زندگی کے تیس سال گزار دیئے۔ سن 2003ء میں افریقہ میں پائی جانے والی بیماریوں میں گھر کر محض چوئن سال کی عمر میں اپنے خالق حقیقی کو جا ملے ...!

The Emperor of the life of Allah continued even after his work 2 years after Bhopal's film, his mother accepted Islam at the age of 70...!

Jagran Luxor used to remember Chemical Ibrahim never let him feel proud by his 17 years. And never said accept Islam

۔ مگر اس کا رویہ ایسا تھا کہ جاد کا اسلام قبول کیئے بغیر چارہ نہ تھا ...!

آپ کے سامنے اس واقعے کے بیان کرنے کا فقط اتنا مقصد ہے کہ، کیا مجھ سمیت ہم میں سے کسی مسلمان کا اخلاق و عادات و اطوار و کردار " انکل_ابراہیم "جیسا ہے کہ کوئی غیر مسلم جاد ہم سے متاثر ہو کر " جاد_اللہ_القرآنی " بن کر میرے مذہب اسلام کی اس عمدہ طریقے سے خدمت کر سکے ...

اللہ تعالٰی مجھ گناہ گار و سیاہ کار سمیت ہم سب مسلمانان عالم پر بےحد رحم فرمائے اور عین صراط مستقیم پر چلنے کی کامل توفیق عطا فرمائے ...!

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3 years ago


It's about 1957 a 50-year-old old man from Turkey kept a small shop in Residential structure a mystery somewhere in France

People of a poor person know and call that old man by the name of Uncle Ibrahim. Uncle Ibrahim's shop had chocolate in ice cream chestnuts tops for children in addition to Asia of small gray essentials

very nice post back me my article

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3 years ago