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3 years ago

I am not a perfect example of how to avoid overthinking.

I am rather, an example of why you should. . .

Your mentality is your reality and anytime you waste pondering challenges and complications that have not yet become a reality, you're literally wasting your life. You are given a finite time here in this world and thus far, nobody has proven to me that we get a second chance, so why sacrifice this beautiful time and opportunity we have in this amazing world, focusing on negative stuff, that doesn't even exist?

For your health, for your loved ones, for the world around you, stop overthinking. Do like the trees do in the fall, and let it go. It's beautiful, it's liberating. It's inspiring to those who are watching you.

I've caused myself horrific health issues as a result of thinking too much about problems that don't exist. I've had a twisted sense of urgency and that's how I got hurt, re-injuring myself from the past. Had I let go, thought clearly, and not been in such a hurry because I was overthinking, I would be just fine.

I care about you. I care about your family and friends. I have love and compassion for your community and the world around us all. I want to encourage you to start letting stuff go. Today. Now. Start small and work your way up to the big stuff. Don't carry unnecessary weight and worry. Don't overthink. Just be.

Tag those you love and care about in a comment. Let's work together and support each other in making more healthy, productive choices and spending our time thinking about what good we can do, what more we can accomplish together. Rather than fighting and stressing about what others tell us to worry about, let's live our lives to reach our best potential.

Your friend,

Tahir tari.

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3 years ago
