How to plan for and live your dreams

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3 years ago
Topics: Dreams, Plans, Success, Motivation, Happy, ...

1. Be realistic

First of all, when I say “realize your dreams”, I want to be clear that while you should set yourself high-level goals, as a human being, you can’t make a fish fly and a bird swim! You also have to be ready to work towards making things happen for real (don’t worry it’s fun as well!). Now, let’s dive into it…

2. Be yourself

Being your true self is the best! We all live in societies that set norms about what is expected of us. Respecting the law is one of the things that you, of course, must abide by. However, you decide to live the life that you truly intend to!

3. purpose

What do you want to achieve in life? Knowing your ‘why’ or ‘raison d’être’ is key to living your dreams. If you’re not sure about what you truly want to achieve, then you’re likely to take up multiple projects and leave them after a while, without having the desired result!

4. Set your goals

Set the right goals for yourself! Be clear about what you want to achieve. Use a goal-setting method that suits you best.

5.Action plan/ back up plan

Have an action plan and track your progress. If you’re setting life goals for yourself, then you can have an informal approach.

6. Key skills

Having set goals to realize your dreams, you may find that you need to learn new skills. These are things that will support you in your passionate quest! Wouldn’t learning skills that you know are meaningful to your life purpose, be a sheer pleasure?

7. motivation

When you work towards achieving your true dreams, it's okay if it's not faster to achieve but you have known what you want be and what you want to achieve. Slow progress is still progress.

8. Affirmations

If you have doubts about or hesitate in going for your dreams, then work on eliminating them. Use affirmations to support you in believing in yourself… Yes, you can do it!

9. Innate talent

Listen to your dreams, and you’ll become aware of untapped talents. You may not be born in an environment where you’re encouraged to spend time singing, playing music, or more. But if you listen to your heart, you’ll develop your innate talents. Even if you don’t aim at becoming a professional in the field, having a hobby is a great way to relax and unwind!

10. Self-esteem

When you lead the life that you intend to, your self-respect goes up. Self-esteem is important… You can then, enjoy your life.

Have faith

Have faith that you can fullfil your dreams, always thanks to God what you have.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Dreams, Plans, Success, Motivation, Happy, ...
