Freecoin burning

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3 years ago

Why almost of the holders of FREECOIN didnt feel the burn? Well so simple because after the burn the value or rank of freecoin can decrease. And one thing for that is the WHALES and other small holders are selling and taking profit. So now many of holders didnt feel the increase of 2% burning. But yes it burn! Its fast to decrease because of what i said the WHALES and small holders selling or taking profit of their freecoin.

We cannot controlled their wants or decision to not sell. But Whales are generous they take profit but also they buy again. And however the small holders who sell their freecoin, will they are greedy and Weak hands. They only put in their mind that there FREECOIN will gone. But correction FREECOIN cannot lose, why? Freecoin has a mission to be like a USD CURRENCY that can be stable the value. So literally freecoin is not a shitcoin like other coins in the market. So freecoin is still the best to hodl of. Dont be panic when you hold a freecoin. Because freecoin is just starting!

Remember im a small holder only. But i didnt sell my freecoin. Imagine this uhh. I buy my 10million freecoin stocks of worth 300+ pesos(6$+ in USD), but look at my freecoin now still im earning and gain more because it is now worth 13,000 pesos(270$+).so see im earning almost 12,600 or 264$.see that?! If you are a positive mindset or has a goal you will win in this battle. Losers never win and weak hands never rich.

So that is why we recommend to hold your FREECOIN, freecoin has a mission and vision so dont be a negative person or mindset. That is the reason for you to be poor or slave. If you want to be success dont be impatient rather be patient because patient is a virtue. Dont ever ever think a negative always think positive and follow your heart dont brain. Use your brain to learn the coin you hodl. Be inspire dont be unspire. Gets?! Dont be weak guys. Just Wake up and buy and buy more if you want to increase the value faster. Encourage others not to sell until you hit the target value.

So hoping this article will help you motivate, not to brag but to inspire. You are just HOLDING, thats easy right? So be impatient just HODL STEEL AND ONE DAY YOUR BECOME RICH. TRUST GOD AND TRUST YOURSELFS GUT.

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Written by
3 years ago
