Bitcoincash info

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3 years ago
Topics: Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoincash is the 2nd platform of bitcoin.

This a second option once you have bitcoin money or transactions. Bitcoincash has a low fees unlike bitcoin. Bitcoincash has a large holder than any currency coin? Why?

Bch is a friendly coin which everyone can hold and send money without taking out a huge fees every transactions. Thats why i love bch than bitcoin, although bitcoin now is the largest rank up in the marketcap but soon bitcoincash can also be a top rank of all currencies.

Im hoping to this bitcoincash that will grow and spread more people to know about this. It is very helpful and friendly coins we have. Bitcoincash cash is now 30k+ pesos in philippine value and more or less it is 600$+ in USD.

What more can this bitcoincash can do to us in this coming days, weeks and months. Im looking forward this coin that it will become popular and well known to all people around the world. Lets do it we can spread more bitcoincash to everyone. Just fight and strong we can reach it.

Thanks and for supporting bitcoincash in your platform or services. You help a lot users to know about bitcoincash.

$ 0.39
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