A mother's love is unconditional

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Avatar for Lusipir
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story

I'm preparing the food in the table because my daughter Alexa is coming from a Cavite

"Mooooom I’m hommeee"

I ran to her after then embraced her

"Mom where’s my room? I’m kinda tired today I need to take a rest"

"Before you rest eat first" I eagerly stated

She smiled at me and then go directly to the kitchen

She lost her smile while seeing our dish

"Are sure this is our food?, It’s so gross!!!I don't want to eat it them, then she leave in front of me

I just look at the floor because I can’t afford to give her the food she wanted

The next day

I woke up because of the sunlight that was hit on my face

It's morning

I got up and prepare all the things this morning

I cooked egg and dried fish for our breakfast

I heard my daughter’s room opening

It smelled went in front of me and sit at the table

"This is so ridiculous, do you think I’m gonna eat those?" Her face looks annoyed

"Sorry Alexa I'll be back later" I said

It smelled like it was leaving in front of me

I packed bottles outside to sale at the junkshop

I came home happy because I had a Jollimac for her


"What” her response that seems like she’s not in the mood

"I bought a Jollimac for you to eat"

I said as I smiled to her

“Mom, my debut is nearly approaching and I want a big celebration in that day”

I can see excitement and happiness on her face as she said she wants a big celebration.

I couldn't say a word because I didn't know what to say

She was looking for it but it was hard for me to do nothing for it

"O-okay swetie, mom will make a way to make that happen”

I was devastated because I know I can’t afford to buy expensive stuffs she mentioned, but then while walking I bumped in to a guy

"Sorry " I said

I saw sadness in its eyes as if it were a big problem

"Ahm excuse me sir do you have a problem?” I asked him

"My son is going to have a surgery today, we need a donor " he replied

"What else he need in the surgery” I ask

"He needs a heart, but we will pay the donor for 1 million" he said

I thought maybe I could donate my heart for the money to make my daughter happy on her debut

"I can be his donor sir" I said

"I just want my daughter’s debut will be perfect as she wish for it, she wanted a big celebration and I know I don’t have the capability to spend much money that’s why I’m taking your offer and I hope you can set her party as big as she wished" I added

"Thank you so much to your kindness, I really appreciate your courage and love to your child, I promise I will do what you requested to me"

we went to the hospital to get the surgery done

I'm sorry Alexa, I can’t make it to your 18th birthday but don’t worry this will be your happiest birthday, I wish you a happy birthday

Author's PoV

This is the day where Alexa's debut and she was so excited because she invited all her friends and bragging about it

But the girl was restless because she had never seen her mother since she told her the term '' I’m now leaving”

She almost went to the whole party for finding her mother,an old man approached her. This is the man her mother met

"Excuse me sir have you seen this woman? She’s my mom" in conjunction with her mother's picture

"I’m sorry miss but your mom didn't make it, she give her heart to my son” the man said before giving the girl the letter her mother wrote before leaving

Gradually the girl's tears trickled down because of the letter she read, regretting what had happened but she could not return her mother's life


Appreciate, love and respect our parents while they are still alive

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3 years ago
Topics: Short Story
