Reading Made My Dreams Come True - AxieBCH Gaming Guild
I was just recently blessed with an AxieBCH Scholarship, which had been a dream of mine ever since I heard of Axie Infinity. A few months prior to this, I became interested in crypto and decided I needed to look into it. I needed to either jump on board or get left behind, because crypto was here to stay. So I started reading every article I could find that was relevant, and I was shocked at how much gaming was involved, and how it was involved. I love gaming, and soon realized I love things that I did not even know existed. It had became a habit of mine to read articles by certain writers, and one of them was @PVMihalache. Through him I learned about Bitcoin Cash, SmartBCH, and AxieBCH. He also wrote this post, and it changed my life. I want to start out by saying thank you.
I followed his post and found myself applying for a scholarship with a new gaming guild which is the first of its kind. The game is Axie Infinity and the payout is BCH! And they have their very own token which is being traded on Benswap $AxieBCH. I made sure to buy plenty, because in my opinion, their idea is brilliant.
Ok, back to where I found myself in the AxieBCH Gaming Guild's Discord channel. I was pleasantly surprised at how everyone welcomed me and I stayed in that chat room for well over 24 hours. It was the very first set of testing and interviews and I was chosen! I was so nervous and I studied up the best I could, knowing little to nothing about Axie Infinity. I was delighted when Coach @AxieNazko informed me that I had a perfect score on the test.
Next, I had my interview and was accepted! Still pinching myself...
I became really close with this first group of scholars. They are some of the most helpful and sincere people I have ever met. The girl in the banner just above, bmjc98, a writer on here and other places, made a banner for me and I'm speechless. Make sure to follow her and watch her journey unfold.
Next thing I know, Coach @AxieNazko is telling me to meet my new team of Axies. 😍
I had a hard time getting these little guys to behave for pictures. I kept getting these.
I think they are tired. I have been going at it pretty hard. I had my mmr just under 1500 and I dropped back down to 1200. And once again I am over 1500 mmr. I will continue to update you about my journey. Thank you for joining me. Follow me to see what happens next.
I can't close without stating that I have made friends who are like family, and it never would have been possible without BCH and AxieBCH. And All of this I learned from reading the articles of helpful folk. Cryptocurrency has opened the door to these opportunities, and I wouldn't have met these people in a million years otherwise. The possibilities are endless.
Click here if you want to be an AxieBCH scholar too! Come join our family. A special thank you to the hard work of Grandpa, my brothers and sisters, all of our coaches, and PVMihalache. Also thanks to bmjc98 for the beautiful banners you create for us.
Hey girl, great to see you finished you axie article. I also love being a part of our team. So many lovely people 💙