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Avatar for Luma
Written by
3 years ago

Assalamualaikum. How are you all. I am fine. I am posting after many days today. I want to write something about my mind today. There is a song in the middle of my chest where the mind is Riday. Does the mind actually have a chest or who has a brain? Why is it that the source of all kinds of feelings is the brain. Only music is the reason why there are so many means of expressing love in this world, there are so many poems and stories, there are so many artists, all these are in the position of love. But the source of all our emotions is our brain. Is.

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Very rightly said...🙂

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3 years ago

Hi friend. Im a new user here. Can i get a tips on how to earn points?

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3 years ago

exactly, Only music is the reason why there are so many means of expressing love in this world, there are so many poems and stories, there are so many artists, all these are in the position of love.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article my dear friend. Mind is so difficult subject to our life. Mind is also good when we can do smile.

$ 0.00
3 years ago