Last drop of Nature: After Rain

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Avatar for Lucifer01
1 year ago
Topics: Rain, Rain drops, After rain, Nature, Life, ...

Date: 13-04-2023, Thursday

Morning, morning and a great view to look at. Fresh air, breeze, bees humming around, inhaling the oxygen and here I am telling you guys the beauty of nature. Wow! This is nature which never fails to mesmerize me. Totally amazed by its beauty. Good morning family. This is your friend, welcoming you to another story of my life. Today, I'm enjoying the last dew drops of rain.

Last night, there wasn’t too much rain but that was enough to have a good sleep. Particularly rain at night feels like a blessing for me. I do not know about others but I really love it. The sound at night for a perfect sleep and in the morning, having a beautiful sight like this is a heavenly feeling. Not too many people can feel this.

Well, today I'm talking about the last drops of rain. The drops of rain that stays right there in nature and puts an extra portion of beautification, an extra layer of beauty over nature. One can feel it, one can have it, one can grab a picture of it. I did everything. Why? Because I liked it so much. Just look at these pictures. Don't you feel the same? 

The tiny droplets of water that form on the surface like grass, flowers or leaves gives us eye catchy views. Well, I must repeat that again, one cannot understand this until they have it for real. Have you seen the falling drops on the surface? Less sound but in the depths of your heart, you can feel the beat of every single drop. 

After rain when I went outside in the morning, I took my phone with me. Everywhere was so calm and the nature looked at me with a blessful view. The sun was peeping and who will tell that the rain just showered the nature? Well, I started my job. Clicked some of the pictures and then walked back to the room. While having my breakfast, I was showing those pictures to my mom. She was impressed too. She started telling stories of her childhood days and I started feeling like I was having my best morning today.

Even the small spidey came out after rain and started making the web. It was so cute to look at.

That's all for now my friends. Hope you all like my clicks. See you all soon. I've posted it in Hive too.


$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Lucifer01
1 year ago
Topics: Rain, Rain drops, After rain, Nature, Life, ...


Walking to the nature is one of the best feelings luci. How are you luci? I love the views. It's so relaxing.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm fine dear. How about you?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

i miss these shots of and mostly i miss nature and rain

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Soon you will have it dear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow😍great photos devi,I love it 😍😍 Wishing I can have a good camera for taking photos too😁

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You will have it dear. I pray for you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's been raining here since yesterday due to typhoon. We are still in the middle of summer but this rain was unexpected.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's unexpected one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago