the lady of the night

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2 years ago

The beautiful girl with blond hair and a red dress waits on the sidewalk for that night's man to arrive. Yes, from that night, because tomorrow will be someone else's turn.

Photo Rene Asmussen

He no longer remembers the day all this started but it was more than 10 years ago when he was still very young. She decided to run away from home tired of her stepfather's abuse. At the age of 13, his innocence was stolen one night drunk, he entered his room and caused the biggest wound of his life, one that would never be erased.

I was so scared. She didn't know whether to tell her mother, after several days she plucked up the courage and did it, but she never imagined what would come next, her mother, that woman who brought her into the world, never believed her. Because that meant she would have to leave her husband, something she wasn't willing to do, not even for her daughter.

The abuse continued for a long time until one night he decided to pick up his clothes and run away, never to return.

A friend he had met a few months earlier told him about a job that paid him a good income. After much thought, he accepted that he had to settle down and pay off his debts.

His first day of work was terrible, that man who was his first client was as despotic as his stepfather. It was the most humiliating experience of his life.

One day without looking for him, she met a boy with whom she fell in love. He didn't usually mix his feelings with work but it was inevitable. That young man with his tenderness stole her heart.

He assured that he did not care about her past, he treated her like a queen, no one had treated her like that before, that's why she dared to dream. . She, like all women, dreamed of a beautiful family.

A short time later he received the happiest news of his life. She was expecting a child from the man she loved. But it didn't seem to make him as happy as her. And one day without warning he left, and never heard from him again

After a few months their baby was born. He had the same beautiful eyes as his father. Every time she looked at her baby, it was inevitable that she would be reminded of that man who left, leaving her heartbroken.

Photo Pixabay

The days passed and the debts grew, so he had no other choice but to go to work. Return to your old job. She who had run away from home trying to avoid those horrible moments that she now had to live daily.

So every night she walks the streets always beautiful and smiling. Many women criticize her when they see her pass, looking at her with contempt.

But no one knows the pain he carries in his heart. Nobody knows what he had to go through. No one knows how difficult it is to be the lady of the night.

Text of my authorship


@Lucerito 04/22/22

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2 years ago
