Try to give HOPE

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Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago

When we see someone close to us who seemed troubled, sad, or worried about something, what do you usually do? Do you give that person comforting words? Do you give a helping hand? Or you just simply ignore them? Do you try to give them HOPE?

As our brother's keepers, we should be reminded that we are here to help in any way we can. It may not be a financial help, but our support for them thru prayers or our presence will surely be enough. Comforting words may help them, to strengthen them, giving them emotional and spiritual support. By doing this, we are giving the person HOPE. Hope that all problems will end, and it is just there to give us a purpose. After all, we have a GOD that gives us hope, and HE is bigger than our problems. Rainbows come after the rain.

I have three short stories to share with you. In it are the different values which I believe are important for us to know. They may seem to be the same values, but here you may know their differences. If you possess those values, good for you.

And here it goes:

  • Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer, all people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella. That is called FAITH.

  • When you toss a one-year-old baby in the air, he laughs because he knows his father will catch him. That is called TRUST

  • Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next morning. But we set an alarm for tomorrow. That is called HOPE.

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Avatar for Louise1478
3 years ago


Hope is the best remedy to fight to struggles. When we are committed and want to get whatever we want keep on working in right direction we will get desired results. Never loose hope.

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3 years ago