Never. It’s the word that can stir the deepest fear in the bravest heart.
“I’ll never find a job.”
“This will never get better.”
“I’ll never get married.”
“I’ll never have the child I long for.”
“He’ll never come home to me.”
It’s the lie that originates with our sinful nature, and it insists on putting a decisive end to all of our hopes. Don’t bother to dream, it whispers cruelly. You don’t deserve it. Stop wishing for what can never be. And so we continue to drive the nails into the coffin of our dearest longings.
“The Lord will never answer my prayers.”
But this is the challenge of waiting on God. It’s the ability to keep hoping when the nevers of life bombard us—when the minutes, hours, days, and years tick away without any answers to our most passionate pleas at the throne of grace. It’s the faith to hang on to the Father on the long road when human reason tells us to give up.
If the nevers of life are discouraging you, if you’ve waited for the Lord to fulfill His promises to you, if you wonder why God has allowed such a lengthy delay in answering the deepest cries of your heart—if that’s where you are, friend—then this is the right reading plan for you. If you look, you’ll find meaning and hope in these times of waiting on the Lord to respond. Though you don’t see Him working, you can know for certain that He is because He guarantees that He “acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him”.
Not only that, but the Father has an awesome plan for you—purposes that are fantastic, perfectly suited for you, and that will give ultimate meaning to your life. However, God also has a very specific schedule—one that’s often vastly different from what you’d expect, may have you wait far beyond what makes you comfortable, and most likely will make you feel that all earthly hope is gone so that you’ll rely solely upon Him (2 Cor. 1:9).
Amen to God. I have never doubted Gods promises. I pray he will give me more patience in waiting. Thanks for this.