Do Whatever it takes.

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3 years ago

There is always work to be done, but there are different “jobs” to do. It’s our job to provide for our families and love the people in our lives. We should do the work of our careers as well as the work of serving others.

God calls us to be people who live out a “whatever it takes” mindset. Because Jesus did whatever it took to save us from our sins and give us new life, we can follow His example by being responsible, including how we use finances.

“No job is beneath you” isn’t about doing work that involves lying, stealing, cheating, harming others, distracting people from Jesus, or any other sin. It means we should do whatever it takes (short of sin) to be responsible financially, because debt is slavery.

In the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha, there are two different “jobs;" one is displayed by Martha, who worked to prepare food for Jesus. And Mary fulfilled the role of hostess by making Jesus feel welcome. Unfortunately, Martha’s work in the kitchen distracted her from Jesus. Mary did whatever it took to value Jesus above everything else.

If Martha sat at Jesus’ feet, they wouldn’t have had dinner. There are some “Martha” seasons of our lives when we need to hustle and work hard to make ends meet. But we also have some “Mary” seasons when we need to learn to rest in what God provides. The key is to listen to God’s Spirit for when to do which. This is how you can do whatever it takes to be faithful to Jesus, with your life and your finances: whatever “job” God has called you to, listen to Him and do the best work you can do.

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3 years ago
