Why most people never succeded in life

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3 years ago


Fear is the worst thing that someone needs to live it when you are afraid you miss many opportunities because you think that is not going work out

You conclude even before you take action, I could remember when I lost my phone when I bought new one I was kind of having the thought that I might still lost this one too so I Don't go out with it but when I found out that I was living in fear I started going out with it I still have my phone with me .

Another thing fear does is changing your mind set which lead to procastination, Everytime you are prosponding your activity cause you are afraid it might not work at that point in time.


You need to be courageous even in the Bible God told Joshua to be of good courage, is in you no need to pray for it rather you find it in you because if at all that is something to pray for God should have given it to Joshua but rather God told him to find his courage,

miracle is courage because you must have faith to command anything to happen if you lack faith it can't manifest,there is one thing many people Don't know about courage when you are praying you need to pray with courage why because you believe that God can handle that situation at that point in time.


What most of us Don't know is that one's there is life there is also hope so once you fail you got to retry even the call we make in Nigeria once the number is not available the will still tell you to retry because the believe in that and sometimes it does work , it is better to fail and still try rather than to be afraid not to take a step or even to procastinate,

Keep on trying there is a quote that say winners never quit and quiters never win,why because the believe that as soon as you are trying there is every opportunity for you to win likewise who is not even trying because the have that believe that once the try the might fail the are afraid, the lack courage, and the Don't want to fail and retry forgetting that success must come with failing and retrying , so tryna believe in your self have courage and remove fear and continue trying you find out that success will be on your door.

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3 years ago
