Another Visitor In The Night

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4 years ago

Meowling from the cold and hunger

Another visitor came and wander

Its small cries splitting the still of the night

Like a baby in distress and in fright

A clatter there and a thud here

This little kitten sure knows how to bother

Crying outside the window relentlessly

One can tell it is very hungry

In a moonlit night, I padded to the kitchen

Not clicking on the light, I let the moon shine on me

Prepared a little snack for the meowling visitor

Lest sleep would be a no-go for everyone in here

A toasted bread soaked in milk would do

I tasty treat for our little visitor who comes and go

Outside, I lay the bowl on the pavement

Walking back,a small shadow darts near the refreshment

I don't look back anymore and went inside the house

It has been over a year this little visitor comes in the night and only at night

A small sound of "thank you" floats in the cold night air everytime

It used to fright me but I've gotten used to the mystery

Our little visitor, the meowling little cat, a friend who watches in the dark

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder


Good write-up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank u ❤

$ 0.00
4 years ago