What are you Insecured About?

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Are you feeling insecure? Why? You're not alone. Its a crucial part of our lives you've got to admit, mind you, everyone deals with this one way or the other, the most common area is that of relationships but other areas are also very much important. We must deal with our insecurities, that aspect when people are about talking about you just feel sad, because it feels like they are talking about you, in so many ways not feeling secure is bad and I'll be sharing some helpful tips we can apply to help ourselves. But here is the best tip so far " No one owns your happiness, its your duty to be happy, however life's short".

Insecurities is that feeling of you aren't good enough, not best suited for a position, event or a person. Past events are partly cause of insecurities, especially in relationships, also mockeries from people also affect our insecurities, especially when your appearances which you can't change is the subject of attack, and as a result of this you could have built certain defensive measures because that's what the brain tells you to do asap when you feel its coming again, now the defensive measures end up spoiling things more than they are to help repair, and this is because the defensive measures are insecurities, they don't lead to good results and we should deal with it if we wanna carry on with our life normally.

If your appearances is the cause of your insecurity, maybe you're too short, point ears, too tall, not that attractive, got facial reactions, dark spot and pimples and you're always feeling bad in the public or among your friends, what do you do. For the appearance, get to know that you are OK, if there are things you can change like dress better, like talk better, get diagnosis to treating the issue, or prescription or build up your body better, then let your insecurities be the drive to making you take action, you feel bad about it then change it, you owe no one an apology, work into changing it and be happy you did. But if its something you cannot change, then you've got to let your mind know, there's more to life and you've got to start living, appreciate yourself, see it as a uniqueness, love yourself as you've got to start before others see what you see and love you too.

Everyone story isn't all sweet and rosy, there's a part to everyone, a segment they feel insecure about, and it often lead them to success, this is how. That thing you feel insecure about is an aspect of life you have been mandate to work at, so you can be a reference point to help the many others overcome, just as you did. Many chubby ladies are hitting the street today, jugging and working out the belle fat so they can reduce down and burn those calories, they wouldn't be doing so, if they aren't sure it works, and it's all kudos to the first people who said no to their insecurities and worked out. They are a point of reference to help the many other chubby people see that something can be done should in case they wanna change things.

Are you feeling weak, overpowered or powerless? Then get the best possible solution, it could be to hit the gym and build those muscles, it could be to make money so you can speak amidst the crowd boldly, it could be improving in your craft so the result is appreciated by everyone, there is a solution and its your duty to get it done, don't shy away and keep dealing with the insecurities, your time starts now. Face it head on.

Is it financial incapabilities? What's the best safest solution, everyday people are breaking free from financial poverty, you too can, read and research on what you can do, see advice from your better doing friends, get knowledge, get a skill, make sure there's something you're going to do, don't just seat and wait for riches to come, it doesn't come that way, trade your value for wealth, what can you do, what's your talent? what's your skill? What's your craft, those are substance of value, start trading them for money, showcase yourself, interested people who sees would come and pay for it.

Let me hold it at relationship, have you been hurt or cheated on previously in past relationship, now you can hardly be fully happy because you fear for your partner actions, well that means you're insecure and should deal with it. Yes I know its easier said than done, but see the damage it's doing to you and your present relationship. If you don't trust your partner then you aren't really happy and that alone is not good therefore make sure you guys are open and friendly, though this doesn't ensure the other person doesn't cheat, but it gives you a sense of good communication, so if there's anything worth talking about you'd know they would come saying it, and anything they didn't say is not worth knowing.

You'd can never truly stop anyone from hurting you, you can only know yourself and choose who to love and hope they truly love you as they claim they do. Love is blind, so we all make our choices blindly, just follow our heart, the inner thoughts of the person you cannot tell, it could be a bad investment of love and time and it might not be, we can only pray and hope, insecurities and spying doesn't solve anything it only gives you more reason to be insecure and continuous spying. They say they love you, then you can choose to believe or not, the same way you tell him or her you love him or her and they choose to believe. Do you know someone might be feeling insecure about your love to them, how do you wish to put them out of the mystery even after assuring them you'll love them forever, you still can't force the trust on them, its their choice to believe and let go of any insecurities about you too. You see, just make a choice and live your life, your happiness is your sole responsibility.

I'll stop here for now, if there's any question or comment please feel free to comment below, we all get insecurities one way or the other, its an interesting subject as well as a matter of concern. When you come across a friend or brother dealing with insecurities, do try helping the individual find the light as there's no gain to constant shying away, feeling bad and even low self esteem. We've got to start living our life, how we love it and the way we want it. Say no to insecurities, deal with it.

You are alright.

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