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3 years ago

Itu's behavior has changed in a strange way now. This morning he had a big quarrel with his mother.

Mother was reciting tasbih in the morning. Then the mother suddenly called Itu and said, 'Booma, if you have tea, give a cup to Shila.'

Itu then said in an angry voice, 'Tell me what did you get from me? Am I the maid of this house or not?'

Mother was surprised and said, 'Wife, what kind of behavior is this. I talked about a cup of tea, so you could say a word!'

Itu then raised his throat more. Then he said in a sobbing voice, 'I don't know how to speak so well, mother? You bring good people into the house to speak well. Get another marriage for your son. I will not stay here. I will leave with my son. '

Mother left reading tasbih. Then he got up from Jainamaz and went to the kitchen and said, 'What happened to your aunt? Did anyone say anything?'

Itu did not answer any of his words. He remained silent. His face was heavy.

Mother asked again.

'What are you talking about?'

This time it was a kind of shout.

He had a jug in his hand. That jug filled with water. He threw the jug of water on the floor and said, 'I will leave this house now. You get your daughter treated. You keep on lobbying. You don't have to think about anyone else.'

Before she could say anything, Itu came home and took off her burqa. Then he packed the bag. Prakash was well dressed. Then he ran out of the house with Prakash in his lap. Just then he came running. His body was already heavy. He can't walk. It hurts. He came and grabbed Itu's hand. Then he said in a big plea, 'Bhabhi, please don't do that. You stay I don't need any treatment. I don't have to do anything. I will eat my own food. '

However, it did not work. Itu pushed him away and left with Prakash. She sat down on the rock and started crying with her mouth on her knees. Her mother could not pull her home.


When I came back from the office, I was shocked. Shila is still sitting on the verandah. Even in this severe winter, he is sitting at the head of the verandah. Sitting there crying.

I was surprised and said, 'This rock, rock, what happened to you?'

Shila cried louder.

I called itu this time.

'Itu, this itu? Why is the rock crying?'

Itu did not respond. Mother came out of the house. My eyes filled with tears. Mother came and said, 'Booma is gone!'

'You mean?'

'How angry he has been since you went to the office. I talked about giving a cup of tea to Shila. He can't be ordered. Then I said, someone has said something to you. He also shouted at this word. He threw the jug from his hand on the floor. Then he said, you get your daughter treated. I am leaving with Prakash. As soon as he said that, he packed the bag and left. Shila took his hand and begged. He said, I don't have to do anything else. Please stay. But it didn't work. Booma pushed the rock away. Shila has been sitting here crying ever since. '

It occurred to me then that Itur was talking about the words of that night. How does a man suddenly change? Today he could have been like that. How would he feel if he had such a disease and his brother's wife treated him like that? '

I pulled the rock up. Then I grabbed one of his hands and dragged him home. I took him to the basin and washed his hands and face. Then I sat down to eat with him

Sheila said, 'Brother, I don't need any more treatment. You tell Bhabhi to come back. '

I smiled softly and said, 'Why don't you need treatment? Moreover, why will your treatment be stopped by the words of Itur? What is the cost of medical treatment? The money is spent from the assets left by the father. This wealth belongs to you and me. What is the point of you spending it? The day he realizes that it is inappropriate to blow his nose in all this, he will not have to bring it back. He will come back by himself.

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3 years ago
