Midnight's Sobering

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3 years ago
Topics: Poem, Experience

Midnight's first cry,

                 Trouble unriddling the puzzle,

                 Life's ease, subliminal joy, lingering sorrows?

 Mural's appellation for the one and two

                 "The redeeming revolution"

                 With clenched fists to wrestle ill me,

It's   eyes smoldered with anger- the mastery over my unyielding perversion

                 A strain of tranquility as the heart's savior, amidst my parched flesh.

  The one and eight, fetter time

   Sights and sounds magnified,

                 "The redeeming revolution" still keeping me in check

Yet still, fantasy seems to offer more than reality

           But I'll keep living

                  In the hope of being awashed in the resplendency of the new creation.

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