Cultivating catfish for fast harvest

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2 years ago
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Thursday 14 April 2022

Catfish itself is a fish that most people like to eat. Therefore, this fish is also in great demand for fish breeders, because catfish farming produces very large profits and is also easy to carry out.

Then how to cultivate good catfish so that the harvest is fast?

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The most important stage in carrying out catfish farming is the selection of good seeds. Good seeds for catfish so that they can harvest quickly are 9-12 cm in size. This measure is the most appropriate measure for the standard to neutralize mortality in catfish seeds.

Here are the steps you must prepare so that your catfish cultivation can be harvested quickly.

1. Preparation of management

Make sure that you have managed the management of catfish cultivation properly and matured from the start. It aims to get maximum results.

2. Nursery

In the implementation of this catfish cultivation, the catfish seeds provided are sold to other breeders. The catfish rearing period is faster, with a size of 2-3 cm in about 1 month and 5-7 cm in about 2 months.

3. Magnification

This cultivation is devoted to the maintenance of catfish so that it can be consumed, where catfish are cultivated until they have a large size until they are ready for consumption. If you want to determine the type of catfish to consume, then a good size is between 9-12 cm to make it easier and faster to breed.

4. Provide nutritious and regular feed

The most important thing to pay attention to in catfish farming for consumption is to provide nutritious feed for catfish and you have to give that feed regularly every day.

Usually the best time to feed catfish is in the morning and evening. Choose catfish feed with good quality in order to get good results too.

6. Give just enough feed

Catfish is a very greedy fish, this fish will continue to eat and if you feed this fish excessively, it is not good and can even cause the catfish to die from being too full. Therefore, you are required to give just enough feed.

7. Pest and disease control in catfish

To prevent diseases or pests in catfish, you must check the pond every day so that pests and diseases that attack can be controlled by you and can take immediate action.

8. Good water management and vitamin administration

You can change the water in your catfish pond every 2-3 days. Remove 2 to 3 cm of water that contains residual feed and sediment. This can make catfish healthier and harvest time faster.

Don't forget to also give catfish vitamins so that your catfish stay healthy and grow fast.

9. Set the pool capacity

The size of the pond also determines housing for catfish, don't put too much catfish seeds because it will stress the catfish and can't move freely. If you feel the pool is getting full, move the catfish to another pond so that it can move freely and not be stressed.

10. Harvest time

Harvesting catfish for own consumption can be done when the fish is 9-12 per kilo. At the time of harvesting, it is better if you do not feed for 24 hours before harvesting. This is done so that when transporting catfish does not remove dirt.

Although catfish cultivation is an easy business, it requires patience and perseverance to do this. Therefore, for those of you who are trying to cultivate catfish, don't give up until you get maximum results. In addition, you also continue to analyze profits and losses properly so as not to experience large expenses compared to income.

Thus are some steps for catfish cultivation so that you can harvest quickly and produce maximum yields, hopefully the information above can add to your insight in dealing with catfish cultivation.

Thank you for reading.

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2 years ago
