Everyone knows how effective face mask is to survive Covid-19. But does a face mask also help boost the body's internal immunity?
A new research paper published in a recent medical journal states that just as a face mask protects people from viruses, it also helps protect against diseases caused by viral infections by boosting the body's immune system.
The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people wearing face masks could protect themselves from the spread of the virus. This research paper published in the journal has also been proved to be true. As long as the coronavirus vaccine is not coming, wearing a face mask will protect people like a vaccine.
According to The Telegraph UK, the way the coronavirus first spread made many people sick. The virus is largely prevented by wearing a mask. As a result of wearing a mask, one cannot get a runny nose or a droplet on another person. They assure that this will protect them from the virus.
Many scientific papers from the World Health Organization have shown that wearing a face mask is essential to prevent the spread of the corona virus through sneezing and coughing.
What?I know now about it.