What to do with neck pain?

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3 years ago

Spondylosis is one of the leading causes of neck pain. People who work at the desk for a long time, such as bankers, people who use computers more often suffer from this problem.

In addition, those who do housework such as washing clothes, cleaning the house or cooking also suffer from neck pain.

Patients with neck pain have a higher recovery rate than patients with low back, knee or other physical pain.

Symptoms and types of neck disease

The pain goes from the neck to the hands. Many people have back and chest pains. It is difficult to bend the neck right-left or front-back.

Many cannot look up. Patients say that some of their fingers feel numb or do not feel right. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels that one of his hands is tingling or he has woken up in the middle of the night due to tingling.

In addition to these symptoms, many patients report dizziness, headache or chest pain. There are also patients who find themselves heartbroken because they cannot diagnose the exact cause of chest pain.

An X-ray showed he was suffering from osteoporosis. Similarly, the number of patients diagnosed with spondylosis after months of not taking medication for dizziness is not insignificant.


Effective medical IPM. Because treatment should be started as soon as the diagnosis is made. The IPM should be continued until the pain or other symptoms have completely subsided.

Adherence to rules is just as important as treatment. Not working leaning forward, sleeping on a thin pillow, using the same bed will quickly alleviate the suffering of spondylosis patients.

People with diabetes, gastric, ulcer and kidney disease should refrain from taking painkillers.

One of the complications of frozen solder spondylosis. If the disease takes on a complex shape, dry hands or numb fingers may occur.

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