Eating eggs every day will get rid of 9 diseases

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3 years ago

Eating an egg every day will get rid of 9 types of diseases, the scientists said. Not only that, the various nutritional properties of eggs will keep the body fresh and full of energy. In a study of about 500,000 people in China, scientists say that eating one egg a day can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. They say that if you want to get physical benefits from eggs, you have to live a healthy life. But once eating more eggs was said to be harmful to the body, scientists have now changed that theory. Now most doctors are recommending putting eggs on the list of healthy foods. Eggs are one of the most naturally occurring foods, they say. For example, eggs are rich in protein, vitamins A, D, B and B-Twelve. Eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential ingredients that help prevent eye damage in old age. So if you want to stay healthy, put an egg on your daily food list due to its various qualities. Let's find out what are the benefits of eating an egg every day- * It contains vitamin D, which helps to keep muscles strong. * Eggs contain vitamin A, which helps to improve eyesight. Egg carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin help reduce cataracts. It also reduces the chances of macular degeneration. * A small egg is full of thousands of vitamins. Its Vitamin B-12 helps us to convert our food into energy. * The biggest advantage of eggs is that it helps in weight loss. Eating an egg for breakfast every day will reduce your appetite throughout the day. So eating will be less. Studies have shown that eating an egg in the morning can reduce about 400 calories a day from the body. * An egg contains 7.5 grams of protein or 60-65 calories. Which meets a lot of daily protein needs. * Eggs contain iron, zinc, phosphorus. Which increases the body's resistance to disease. And phosphorus keeps bones and teeth strong. * A study has shown that eggs do not increase cholesterol. Even if you eat one egg a day, your lipid profile will not be affected. * An egg contains about 300 micrograms of choline. Which is good for the cardiovascular system, nerves, liver and brain. * Eat eggs regularly to improve the quality of hair and nails. Because the sulfur in the eggs keeps the hair and nails healthy.

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Avatar for Lima
Written by
3 years ago


hi lima..Eating eggs every day will get rid of 9 diseases---very good article..please cheke my post

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3 years ago