Are we addicted to technology?

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4 years ago

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. It has transformed our lives in many ways. In many ways, it makes life more convenient for us: we can send messages quickly via the internet, cook meals in a few minutes in a microwave, and book train tickets online instead of walking to the station. However, in our increasingly technology-driven world, have we become addicted to technology?

Not too long ago, many children enjoyed reading a good book in their spare time. Nowadays, adolescents are more likely to be seen playing video games or watching television. Some people even claim they can't go without watching their favourite TV programme - which is a bit extreme!

Similarly, sending letters has become a thing of the past. It has been replaced by email, instant messaging and social media. I think this is a huge shame; for me, there's nothing better than receiving a letter in the post. It shows someone has taken the time to sit down and write something; this is much more personal than a conversation online. For some people - especially the older generation - new methods of communication aren't so accessible. I regularly send letters and postcards to my grandma to keep her updated with my life in France; I also send them to my boyfriend and sister.

The presence of social media has, in some respects, turned us into anti-social beings. Instead of meeting up with friends and seeing them face-to-face, we now spend a lot of time communicating online. Although online communication has its advantages - notably, enabling us to keep in touch with loved ones in different countries - we shouldn't forget the value of real-life human interaction. It is, after all, in our nature to socialise with others! 

Admittedly, I spend a lot of time using technology. I rely on the internet and my laptop to plan lessons for my classes. I use wifi on my phone to send messages via apps such as Viber and Snapchat. That said, when I'm on holiday it is nice to switch it all off and have a break. Taking a break from technology is liberating.

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Written by
4 years ago


nice article

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4 years ago

Nice article. Keep it up

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4 years ago

Indeed modern technology has changed our way of living. However I observed that many people have become dependent of technology. For example, many people have relied too much on their cellphones and gadgets and it has affected their relationship with others. They have a lot of friends and followers on the internet and even talking to strangers but how about their personal relationship with the people around them? Some don't even talk that much to their family members because they are too focused with their online friends.

At a very young age, most children nowadays knows how yo use a gadget, so instead of playing and doing some physical activities, they are too immense in playing mobile games which affected their interpersonal communication with other kids and other people.

Similarly, sending letters has become a thing of the past. It has been replaced by email, instant messaging and social media. I think this is a huge shame; for me, there's nothing better than receiving a letter in the post. It shows someone has taken the time to sit down and write something; this is much more personal than a conversation online.

While most people considers sending snail mails as a thing of the past, just like you, I still prefer to read hand written letters. It shows the person's effort and that is worth to be appreciated.

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4 years ago