What are 5 habits that can improve my life?

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3 years ago
  1. I started running. The most difficult part of running is walking out the door. I never allowed myself to think about it — I just did it. It didn’t matter if I worked late — I would run at 10PM. This gave me self discipline. It was also a way to clear my mind — to empty it of thoughts. I learned how to breathe.

  2. I stopped wearing a watch. I went according to body clock for everything. I slept when I was tired. I ate when I was hungry. I might have lunch at 3PM and skip dinner. I lingered on a hike. I stayed longer (or shorter) at events depending on how I felt.

  3. I stopped reading fashion magazines. Advertising tells you what to do. Who to be. Tells you what to buy. Tells you what to want. How you should look. It shuts down your creative self-expression by over ruling you your style. Style is very personal — you can be stylish in shitty looking clothes!

  4. I started to give everyone whose path crossed mine — attention. I had read somewhere that every interaction has meaning for you. They might be carrying a message for you and your life.

  5. I started to be present — I mean REALLY present. If I am out for dinner with a friend — I never look at my phone. If I am with my kid, I just sit there. When I walk home, I notice the way the houses in my neighborhood are painted. I pay attention to every detail. When I am at the beach, I listen to the sound of the waves crashing. I notice the shade of blue in the sky. This habit gave me many many memories.

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