Real-Life Heroes

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Avatar for Lilvhea
2 years ago
Article #8
April 27, 2022

Let's talk about my Article before I submit in my Teacher, Our topic is about Covid-19 so I decided to do this. I won't write very well because of my Headache due to the hot wheather here in Philippines. But I'll try my best to become my Article succesful.

Let's fucos on my Topic!

Who are the real-life heroes in the time of Covid-19?

In World Humanitarian Day, 19 August, we celebrate and honor frontliner workers, wgho despite the risks continue to provide life saving support and protection to people most in need. On this day we also commemorate humanitarian killed, harrased, and injured while performing thier duty, thus this year's theme is "Real Life Heroes".

Suddenly, what does it mean to be a hero? What does it take to help in those in need, the poor at risk communities, those who are most vulnerable when a disaster strikes? Why should we hold up as heroic the deeds of those who everyday continue to extend a helping hand?

In this extraordinary times, and despite the very real danger to themselves. Filipino Frontliner workers like my fallen colleague, everyday pur thier own safety and well being aside to provide life saving support and protection to people most in need.

In our Country, every day since the beginning of the year, humanitarian workers have stood on the frontlines dealing with the challenges araising from Covid-19 and the other disaster events, dispite the mant risks humanitarians continue to do thier job, diligently and selflessly providired assistance to those who need it most.

Through years of responding to various emergencies and capitalizing on national expertise and capacity, the humanitarian community in the country has embraced truly localized approach by recognizing what at risk communities themselves can do in these challenging times.

The Covid-19 pandemic has unveiled an important number of vulnerabilities as well as exposed our weaknesses in preventing has also shown that the magnitude of the challenge is exceeding the response capacity of any partner our country. It represents in fact one of the most dramatic calls to work together. The success of this battle will greatly rely on our capacity to learn from experience and remain committed to the highest humanitarian values. Our real life heroes are already giving the example.

The End, Enjoy Reading!


Sponsors of Lilvhea

Another mentioned again @nnashe added to my sponsorship list, Thanks sis for being my 3rd Sponsor:) You made this day. May God bless you always.

Thanks to my Beautiful and my Handsome readers to insatiable support.

Image Sources: From Google

Lead Images: Google

$ 0.83
$ 0.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Esp130
$ 0.01 from @ajlove14
Sponsors of Lilvhea
Avatar for Lilvhea
2 years ago


Wala Ako masabi sis🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome with lots of greetings. All the best for your next journey

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thankyou so much, I hope I can do it until the end

$ 0.00
2 years ago

your welcome sis

$ 0.01
2 years ago