The Rain Drops

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There's a story in every drop of rain. A story from long ages gone, thousands of thousands of years on years that the rain kept falling and the water evaporating to the silence, unseen unfelt by the ordinary man. The smooth cool wind blows on the skin and is felt in the air, little do we hear the stories in the wind. The moisture in the air carries stories of the long gone dinosaurs, telling us there is still some dinosaurs living in the great beyond. Safely kept away from us to be discovered only by those who hid the call of the droplets the rain or wind. The droplets travel long ways from the oceans where they dive deeper than deep with whales and sharks. In the deep we get told the stories of the whales that escaped moby dicks persuit of whale oil, and shark meat. Those that survive, have since learned to lock their stories in the drops in forms of tears. So much that the saltiness of the ocean is attributed to the suffering of sharks, that it's the tears of misunderstood sharks that make the sea much salty.

From deep within the caves lies lakes undiscovered, connected to underground water table that flow into mountain springs and fountains. Carrying so much to tell from the depth of the earth, to make the connections between water bodies much easier. In the guests of the world, where only special microbials survivethe hotest most toxic waters are found held as background photos by the renowned photographer. Much of the stories told around these water bodies will carry on for much longer than anticipated. From the frozen waters on the moon, in the meteorites, as the meteorites fallto the earth much of the outer space stories are shared and combined with mother Gaia's own million year old stories.

We see a beautiful rainbow, sometimes they come in twos or threes.. it's indeed a spectacle to be held.and loved by all that get to see such wonders. That arise when the droplets meet the sun just at the right angle to be seen by the naked eye. The droplets story will never end. For this reason creation has evolved each drop with the ability to influence and also be influenced. But these drops are so clear and good that they adopt to where they are, in the dirt they wait the heat to evaporate them. In the cold they wait for the thawring to part ways into the sea for another trip into the world so that they will find ways out of the oceans by sublimation or evaporating into the skies to form clouds and bless us with more rain. It's a blessing that we too animals and beings of the planet run on about 70-80 % liquid. Cannot entirely say waterbut it's different compositions of water. It's the oil to fuel our biomechanics, carrying so many nutrients around via active transport and osmosis through our systems. Both beings, plants and animals have complexity of biological origins that without these magical drops are not much living. Not to say impossible but for life, these drops are celebrated, they don't seem much alone but once teamed up with the rest,they form such intricate designs and activities that make life so smooth and connect in ways that only these drops can do. They are super proud in that they give you what you are and who you are.

The last story of these drops is that they can hear you, you can talk to them. Whisper words of love, care and kindness and these drops will unlock the secrets of time to you. For healing cleaning or just to live in harmony, these drops teach us much of the way of life. We'd do so well to learn much from them as the fall from great heights forming water falls that corrode great surfaces away. Just how they got up there to flow down the valleys is no longer a mystery but a joy of a lesson that we love to learn about from these living drops.

Many great activist's are heard going on about the gangaa river to be cleansed and the Yangtze River to be cleansed and kept clean throughout our generation so that it becomes a norm to have clean water bodies for generations to com. It's not the hardest thing to do but the awareness is needed to know that if each person puts a few clams into their nearest water body, it will be cleaned out of all impurities and dirt with a few weeks or months. The best thing about these clams is that they are fresh water clams and sea water clams. And there's so many other ways to clean our water sources. The woke won't invest much into these waters but much investment is needed even through the Nile and the great Amazon rivers to the orange rive, and the Suez canal, all these need to be kept clean and well.

Forests rely on these rivers much of what was isn't anymore due to the introduction of toxins into these great water bodies. There is so much faith in the least of humanity who care to raise awareness on the cleanliness of these water bodies.

The drops finalise their stories in the rainforests as they race down through the great chrysalism. Much of which will never be heard but loved nonetheless. There is much more the drops and their stories of wild and spf drops. It's a story of love, appreciation and kindness. Much is programmed into these waters to bring us back to life whatever state we find ourselves in, these droplets carry love a message of hope. We are one!

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