Canada's Broken Electoral System: 600M later...

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3 years ago

(The Archive: Article) This last week, on Monday the 20th of September 2021, we have seen democracy at work. Canadians were asked to gather at the polling stations, hotels, schools and other amenities in order to vote. The cost of this "snap-election" is somewhere around 600 millions dollars, a cost that Canadians will have to pay eventually, when they are done paying the 2.43 trillion dollar debt burden that they already carry. And the interests on that debt, of course. And the new grand plans that are being discussed to spend even more even faster.

We will see how much we have to pay... when we manage to calculate how much we owe. We might need to build a DApp to decentralise the calculation of our interests on our debts because its growing so fast that we need to borrow to buy computers to calculate our debts.

I'm sure in the coming years, Facebook or Amazon will happily provide us with a "voting as a service" subscription so they too can benefit from the generosity of our central bank. I am being cynical here.

But no matter the insanity of the numbers that can be electronically created by an enabling central bank, nothing can fix a broken electoral system other than some form of change. A change in the electoral map, a change in the leadership of parties, a change in the frequency of voting or in the parties themselves. Yet, nothing will change if the people don't tell it with their vote. A broken electoral system prevents that change to occur.

Thus, the system remains broken, yet it congratulates itself in front of its success because it aims for the result delivered by those problems. When nothing changes, we say that there is too much entropy. I just wrote an entire article about entropy and change. When you are condemned to live in a broken system, you lose trust in the system. That trust, so essential to democracy, will be increasingly lost for Canadians over time. Here, I am exploring those topics.

The Current System

In the constitutional monarchy that is Canada, it is no wonder that the sons of past leaders are naturally gifted to lead their people today. Justin Trudeau's father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, gave him the necessary Prime Minister genes for him to successfully lead Canada through the most difficult challenge of his political career.

In 2015 I remember a friend of mine telling me how handsome Justin was. He radiates youthfulness across the globe and at home. He legalised marijuana, opened up the spending valves wide and even wants a Great Reset. Also he wants to Build Back Better while being Green about it. Undoubtedly, his good looks are a sign of good luck! Meaning, good luck with Trudeau at the helm of your nation.

Yet, behind all the good intentions that he undoubtedly has and despite being a handsome man, Justin Trudeau might lack the core attributes of a leader. I don't pretend to know those attributes. But I would say to face adversity with your head held up straight and to be transparent with his people.

I am Canadian. I wrote to a Canadian member of parliament by the name of Pierre Poilievre. Check out his Youtube channel. This is one of his recent videos. He is right, we are printing money to pay Stats Canada to tell us that our grocery bill is up 4.1%?

Here is the content of my letter to him, written on September 30th 2020, nearly one year ago:


1 - Trudeau has failed to inform the people that he wishes to pay for everything he said by taxing all holders of Canadian dollars, here or abroad of their current and future prospective purchasing power, slowly at first, then all at once. As Peter Schiff puts it, Trudeau wants to check us in to the monetary roach motel. Once you check in you can never check out. Or as Voltaire famously said: "All fiat currencies eventually return to their intrinsic value: zero". People need to know that this is a hidden tax, not free money. People also need to know that there is no turning back.

2 - Trudeau justifies this monetary debasement by pointing out that all other developed economies are doing the same. Acting like sheeps on the world stage to justify our lack of integrity and responsibility here at home, is sad. Unfortunately, it happens far too often with Trudeau in power. Some of our ancestors fought for this country. We can, and very well should, stay competitive on the world stage by showing to our past and future creditors, that we value their trust and capital investments and that we uphold the integrity and stability of our currency.

3 - More than anything else, when Trudeau justifies his spending by saying that this is in the best interest of Canadians and the economy, it is inaccurate. Monetising the debt and running massive deficits to prevent bankruptcies and to stimulate the economy will not accomplish those goals. I say that Trudeau is inaccurate when he calls it stimulus because our economy will be hurt by a short term non-sustainable and destructive stimulus. I say destructive because this "stimulus", this "funny money" come out of nowhere, will accentuate unwise risk taking in the stock market and by entrepreneurs in general. It will only reflate asset bubbles which will further decouple from the underlying economy. Risk averse businesses might buy back their own stocks. But that is not how we grow an economy. Overall, the cost structure will rise and will make businesses less productive. Adding more liquidity in the system will not improve the production capacity, the heart of an economy. It will only add more liquidity.

The most important point to make is that as soon as the BOC stops printing, the stock market falls, bankruptcies go up, debt defaults go up, the dominoes start falling, credit gets toxic, lending freezes and interest rates want to skyrocket! And so Trudeau will come back riding a white horse, followed by trucks and trucks full of purple legal tender bank notes. And every time we steal from ourselves, selling the foundations of the house to pay the mortgage, the amount will need to increase because that currency has less and less purchasing power. Bankruptcies may be prevented but this will create unproductive zombie corporations which in turn will lead to capital misallocation in unproductive areas of our society, by governmental decree!

If the government ever gets in the business of saving trees to make sure none ever falls down in a forest. And if they then erect structures to prop up those old trees artificially so that no tree ever falls down again. Well in that case, what Canada will end up with is an entire forest of dead trees where nothing grows anymore.


The above letter explains well my concerns back at the time. They have only grown since then. The deficit that Canada had last year was on the order of 400 billion CAD.

Oil futures even turned negative in 2020 due an oversupply...

For oil nation and tourism rich Canada, the government's response to the pandemic proved to be a disaster of epic proportions. With an underfunded health system that was already disintegrating before the pandemic, Canada was ill prepared for even the mildest of disruptions.

Also, as long as Canada operates "...the world's most destructive oil operation", Trudeau has zero credibility in talking about the nation being green or about bragging about his accomplishments on climate change. Canada leads the world in terms of carbon emissions per capita. Canada is not part of the Kyoto protocol or the Paris accord. Pretending that Canada is a positive for climate is absurd.

Everyone knows that the first nations were victims of a massive genocide and that atrocities were committed against native children in religious schools. The recent news about unmarked graves of children found only brought the subject to media attention. The problem with native communities has been there since the genocide ended.

It just comes back every couple of years when new atrocities are discovered and we talk about it.

What remains is but a shadow of what those people were. Their blood is on Canada's soil. As Chris Hedges says, people like to cast blame and externalise evil as being outside of themselves. It gives a false sense of moral superiority.

And so we have seen Canada pledge allegiance to its lord and master USA by voting 266 against 0 in favour of saying that China did a genocide of the Uighurs. This is disgraceful. Many people see through this disgrace and know very well that the Uighurs in China are doing extremely well. Much better than the aboriginal inhabitants of Canada.

When it comes to blaming others for our failures, we Canadians are the best.

To bring up the topic of native communities in the electoral debates as if Canada really cared about it, is a pure marketing fabrication.

If Canada really cared about those problems, they would have been solved way before 2021. Providing a two minute First Nations question period, where a pre-screened, easy to answer question for the politicians, is like a pack of wolves asking a sheep if they prefer to be eaten slowly or by the entire pack at once! It is a disgraceful virtue signalling operation which fails on all levels.

On another note, while Canada was playing with expensive politics, Meng Wanzhou was being held captive. A "dangerous women" some might say, which had to be locked behind bars for our security. I never saw her as a threat and even if Huawei did engage in trade with Iran, I think it is a good thing. Iran needs trade like all other nations. Our security was never in jeopardy because of Meng Wanzhou.

Let me make something crystal clear: Forced lock-downs of 6 months and forced social distancing is much more dangerous to our security than the proud CFO of a tech company.

Again, understand the situation here. Canada is not master of its land. Canada is just the backyard of the USA. Meng Wanzhou stepped into the backyard of the USA and the guard dogs that we are barked and bit. All that because her company allegedly did some trade with Iran and that went against the sanctions imposed by Washington. This is what Washington calls "The Rules based Order".

The police of the world, after doing a famous Coup d'État in 1953 Iran, to replace its democratically elected leader, Mossadegh with a dictator, the Shah, cannot pretend exporting democracy or acting for our security.

Never forget that Canada was doing sniper competitions in Afghanistan. "I killed a Taliban 1.2 km away". "I did better and shot one 2.3 km away!". "I am better than you are at killing people from farther away".

Then you can look at the other ally of the USA, Australia, which was doing its thing in Afghanistan with "initiation killing" just so the soldiers could be "part of the club".

And now a brand new fleet of atomic weapons is offered to us with a wonderful new acronym: AUKUS. This just adds to the QUAD and to NATO to make sure that everybody is buying weapons.

On a humanitarian scale, Canada, the USA and Australia should be shameful. They were never defending Afghanistan nor were they helping the cause for women in that country. They were just stealing natural resources in a new form of colonialism. It is called "Neo-Colonialism".

Back to Meng Wanzhou, she was finally released after agreeing to plead guilty on certain charges in a future prosecution. Let us hope that political targets of authoritarian states like the USA and the UK will finally let Julian Assange go. Again, the same thinking applies here: Is Julian Assange dangerous for our security because thanks to him the torture tactics of the USA were exposed for the entire world to see? I think the world is more secure with Assange free because then he can help to put an end to barbaric torture that is still taking place nowadays.

And finally, when it comes to Beijing's withholding of the "two Micheals" who were accused by Beijing of spying for Canada, I must say that I believe Beijing more than Trudeau. Were they real businessmen just doing their business as usual or perhaps had they been tasked with "extra-curricular" activities such as placing a microphone here or a camera there... at least I will give them the benefit of the doubt, unlike Canada did when voting on the Genocide of the Uighurs. Does the presumption of innocence mean anything to our representatives?

If you are still naive enough to dismiss all conspiracies as strictly false, I think you don't understand this world. Nations have secret services and they do spy. They don't publicise it and if they do, it will be because they chose to make it public. So conspiracies are all around us. The recent reminder of 911, brilliantly exposed by Pantera in his article is a another example.

We can't be sure if the two Micheals were indeed spying but suffice to say that we shall probably never know and now they are back on their soil, just like Mrs. Wanzhou is back to her motherland.

Let the relations between Canada and China heal quickly because many challenges need cooperation internationally. I love both Canada and China and the United States. We should all work together and we can accomplish much more.

Snap Elections

The problem with a Prime Minister calling snap elections is that other parties might not be as prepared as the incumbent. The incumbent in this case was the Liberal party of Canada, led by Justin Trudeau. They had all the publicity panels ready, big red marketing campaign to convince everyone that they had more money than the others. It is a charm operation and Canadians fall for it every time. They judge on the appearances of the cover and don't even open the book to see what is inside.

Would it have been a good time perhaps, for the environment, and for our dismal financial situation, to go "light" on the electoral publicity?

Absolutely not! Elections must cost money because it all helps to artificially boost our GDP, thus allowing economists to pontificate on the recovery and what letter it might look like. Honestly, I still remember at the start of the pandemic when they were all wise with their "V" shaped recovery and the debates about it being more like a "J" or a "W". Really? Is that the best these people have to do? Sit in their ivory towers and justify their relevancy by telling us what letter their haruspicy reveals!

Who cares anyway? Its all just funny money. All their predictions were wrong and they can print whatever amount of dollars they want to prop up the GDP, it will still not improve our economy nor fix any or our problems. 

As illustrated in the image of this post, this snap Election cost us more than 600 million dollars. For what? Well, nothing much. No real change right? No democracy? That's right. Or we can call it a "fake democracy". Pretend it is not a monarchy and make sure in the end the elites can elect themselves.


The debates themselves were held in English and French and at least one was in an aboriginal museum. The virtue signalling hypocrisy runs deep. Is having a museum to display the artefacts that we found on the battlefield after killing entire tribes a good way of showing our great hearts? No.

I still like the museum, make no mistake. Those artefacts are interesting and the ability for everyone to see them is great. But just don't insult the first nations even further by making your debate in that museum under the false pretence that we care.

If those politicians really cared about the First Nations they had decades to show it. They didn't . Now the election is over, politicians have gotten back to business. They can thus forget about the First Nations until another scandal comes up, thus giving them another opportunity to virtue signal.

The subjects on the table for the debates were pathetic to say the least. Here are the subjects:

  • Climate

  • Cost of living and Public finances

  • Indigenous peoples, Cultural industries, and Cultural identity

  • Justice and Foreign policy

  • Pandemic and Healthcare

Now please understand that after a forced 6 months lockdown where police would arrest you if you were outside of your home after 8 pm until 5 am and where businesses were forced to stay close, our country has transformed into an example of an authoritarian state. My friend in China did not have to lockdown for 6 months like us and their businesses were not forcefully closed. My friend went to a movie theatre. Here, in Canada, things are still closed. Going to see a movie is too dangerous apparently. We might transmit the virus after all. But calling all Canadians for an election right next door to the closed movie theatre, yes, this is fine.

The debate should have been ENTIRELY on the pandemic and the response by the government. Everything is relative and other topics are important. But again, in the face of the greatest crisis our country has ever faced, the debates on any topic other than the pandemic is just pure distraction.

A distraction from what? From the real questions that should have been asked. From the accountability towards bankrupting the country. On the accountability of causing serious harm to most of the population by forceful measures that only harm our security.

So let me get that straight: A two hours debate with five leaders is going to mean that each gets about 24 minutes to express themselves. Then we remove the time when someone is asking a question (the moderator or invited journalists). Roughly in the end, we got about 15 minutes of each one of them. That is not enough.

Just the pandemic and the response should have been a 2h segment for each leader. There is so much to discuss. To brush this off as a non-issue is problematic.

But it gets worse. The debates touched on so many subjects that it wasn't about the pandemic at all. The number of subjects is ten. That means that at most, 10% of the time will be spent on each subject. 5 leaders meant that each would have 2% of the time on each question. This means 2.4 minutes.

Again, let me get that straight: Finally Trudeau has to answer to his handling of the pandemic and we will allow at most, 2.4 minutes for him to tell us his version?

This is ridiculous! In 2.4 minutes, the average politician will cast flowers his way and say what he or she intends to do. We don't get an in-depth discussion where real questions are asked and where our Prime Minister gets challenged. We mostly just provide him with more than 2 minutes to fend off some attacks and to virtue signal once again.

And this is what he did. Trudeau apparently congratulates himself for his handling of the pandemic. This is a syndrome seen previously in history when Marie Antoinette, a rich bourgeois woman in the French Monarchy system, famously said:

"Let them eat cake!" --Marie Antoinette, before the French Revolution

Consider the fact that the real debate regarding the Pandemic should have been around the forced vaccines, the booster shots, the affordability of printing money to give it straight to corporations so that we can proudly embark on this "immunisation as a service" non-sense. I see kids walking in the park with a mask on. Schools are still suspended. Those were the real questions to be answered. This is what the entire debate should have been about. Not about false virtue signalling at how respectful we are towards the First Nations or how we are great on climate. We are not. Period.

But the only person that challenged the politicians in office was ostracised. I am of course talking about Maxime Bernier. Since he asked real questions regarding the handling of the pandemic and regarding the future course of action, he was discarded from the debates as being irrelevant.

For the politicians in Ivory Towers, the problems faced by their subjects is always deemed irrelevant.

And also don't forget that Maxime Bernier was arrested for trying to hold a rally outside. It did look very much like a politically motivated arrest. Mrs. Wanzhou understands! And Maxime Bernier was laughed at, on public television, on election night, while the votes were counted. He was said to be an example of what not to do because the people at the event were sitting at tables without masks on their faces. The tables had distance between themselves like every other political party did. There is no reason to laugh about Canadians and their voting choice.

More relevant than him, apparently was the green party. The popular vote showed very well that many more Canadians wanted to hear the PPC rather than the Greens. Many Canadians do not care for the Green Party of Canada or they chose to vote otherwise for this election.

Once again, as I said above, the idea is a pure marketing fabrication intended at making the upper middle class justified in their choice. Trudeau needs to appear as this wise leader that is concerned with the problems of Canadians. Even if you pollute and use private planes or just litter your environment, it is all about pretending that we care about the climate. It is all about pretending that we care about the First Nations. It is all just a popularity show. I you're a handsome candidate, in Canada, it is mostly what counts.

The Result

The main is problem is here of course. The main problem is that there have been no results. The dissatisfaction that Canadians had towards the government have gone silenced and the elected congratulate themselves on another victory. Six hundred million dollars for nothing? We might as well have saved the money. We could be building at least a new hospital with that money and thus save lives. Build the hospital in a First Nation reserve and then you'd be honest. But use 600 million of our money for nothing?

The results of the election are interesting to look at. I will assume that Dominion voting systems, or Smartmatic systems can be trusted, even after it was shown that their voting machines could be tampered with a simple USB stick. Who knows at this point? It is the company that handles the elections in the USA also and we've seen what happened last November.

"It doesn't matter who the people vote for. What matters is who COUNTS the votes"

Let us see how the votes were cast and what the insane election algorithm produced as a result.

The majority of Canadians voted for The Conservative Party. They got 33.7% of the vote. They got a boost of 4.4% in terms of representation in parliament.

The incumbent Liberals of Trudeau got 32.6% of the vote. They then gave themselves a generous boost of 12% to represent 44.22% of Canadians in parliament.

The New Democratic Party managed to get 17.8% of the votes across the country. Then they were punished by the algorithm, resulting in only 7.39% representation in Ottawa.

The Bloc Québécois, typically representing the interests of the province of Québec, managed to get 7.6% of the vote and got a boost resulting in a 9.7% representation in Ottawa.

The Green party completely disintegrated with 2.3% of the vote and the resulting adjustment leaving them with 0.59% of representation.

The Popular Party of Canada, led by Bernier managed to get 4.9% of the vote but the algorithms wanted to make a lesson of this one and they will end up with 0% representation in Ottawa.

Let's Highlight the winners and losers (ROI-style) based on those adjustments so we get a clear picture:

  • Liberals: A massive 44% boost.

  • Bloc Québéc.: A big 27% boost.

  • Conservatives: A tiny 4% boost.

  • NDP: A massive 58% penalty.

  • Green: A massive 74% penalty.

  • PPC: A maximum 100% penalty.

Those penalties and boosts, keep in mind, are changes made to how people voted and how they will be represented.

More than one person out of 6 voted for the NDP but finally they will be represented on the order of one person out of 14?

And one person out of twenty voted for the PPC but they will get a representation of 0 in Ottawa? I mean there are 338 seats. 5% of those seats should have given those citizens a voice. But again, this fake democracy is nothing like what is advertised.

Again, let's think for a second. Only 32.6% of Canadians voted for Trudeau. More than two thirds of Canadians did NOT vote his party. More than two thirds of Canadians wanted Trudeau out, but he still represents Canada with 46.74% of representatives? A near majority? That is a broken electoral system.

The system is broken because it won't allow change to occur. It parades itself as being an honest democracy, instead of being one of the evil authoritarian dictatorship regimes we're told exists elsewhere to justify military spending. Full 1984 Oceania vs. East-Asia style. When we lost faith in our capacity to enact change in our country and see the Wizard of Oz that is pretence democracy for what it is, we might as well say that we don't have a democracy.

Coming Up Next

Coming up next is my article regarding how Double Bubbles will Pop. It will be published on the same blog as here, The Archive. Subscribe to the blog if you haven't already so you don't miss out on future publications.

Thanks for reading


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