An act passion for both, the most natural and sincere expression of love,genuine and compassionate,telling each other and the rest of the world that you've found and perfect match. There are different meanings, depending on where you kiss, on the forehead is a sign of respect, the cheek a sign of friendship,the neck a sign of desire on the hand means they adore you, on the lips means they love you, and the ears shows a yearning for intimacy, however, once again, this is a direct route for spreading illness and can lead to.
Acute respiratory tract infection (cough and colds)
Pulmonary tuberculosis ( infected saliva)
Halitosis (bad breath)
Have you ever heard of the "kissing disease", otherwise known as "infectious mononucleosis," or mono?" The cause of it is the Epstein- Barr virus,a virus that can be transmitted through the saliva that is shared by kissing,but which can also be obtained via a simple cough or a sneeze,or even by sharing a glass or a cutlery. It's a virus that has an incubation period of approximately four to six weeks, although in young children this period may be shorter and carries signs.
The cause of it is the Epstein- Barr virus,a virus that can be transmitted through the saliva that is shared by kissing,bit which can also be obtained via a simple cough or a sneeze,or even by sharing a glass or a cutlery
symptoms such as fever and a sore throat,which usually only last a couple of weeks , as well as fatigue enlarged lymph nodes and a swollen spleen, which may last a few weeks longer.
There are 9 types of sign and symptoms
Skin rash
Swollen tonsils
Sore throat
Swollen lymph nodes in your neck and armpits
Soft,swollen speleen
General body weakness
Unfortunately,there is no specific therapy available to treat this" kissing disease, as antibiotics don't work against viral infections due to the fact that most viruses are self limiting. Treatment mainly involves lots of rest,staying in bed and drinking plenty of fluids, though you may also take multivitamins and vitamin C to boost your immune system.
Oral hygiene tips
Drink plenty of water (this washes out the mouth and throat and cleanses it from the strong odor from food from the gastrointestinal tract)
Don't forget to brush your teeth. Do it three times a day, especially b30 minutes after every meal
Use dental floss to remove food residue from between the teeth
Minimize eating strong aromatic foods like onions
Avoid spicy foods
Remember to visit your dentist once or twice a year
Chew minty gum as a breath refresh er
Mount sprays can also be used to freshen breath
health is wealth, kaya alagaan natin ang ating katawan❤️