Bitcoin: Definition, How it Works, Security, How to Get it, and Legality in Indonesia

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3 years ago

Cryptocurrencies are getting more and more visible here, one of which is in the investment sector. Investment has indeed become one of the activities that is often carried out, especially for today's society. One of the investment tools using this crypto currency is bitcoin .

For some Indonesians, they must be familiar with bitcoin, right ? Yes, this new vocabulary is extremely hits in society today chapters various explanations about the advantages have been freely circulating in the timeline. But not a few are still confused, one of which might be you. Correct? If so, see the explanation below:

What is Bitcoin ?

First and foremost in the explanation of bitcoin, you must first understand its definition. Knowing the definition will make it easier for you to understand the next discussion because you already know the basics. Coming back to the topic, what is bitcoin ?

Bitcoin is one of the currencies that is included in the crypto currency class which was first created in 2009 from someone with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto (Japan). Bitcoin isincluded in the class of electronic money that can be used to make transactions or be traded without having to have a third party such as a bank or other financial company.

How Does Bitcoin Work ?

After knowing the definition, then how does bitcoin work? Bitcoin works using a peer to peer system or hereinafter referred to as P2P. However, this system works without any storage or administration. Unlike other currencies that have publishers, bitcoin uses a data base that spreads using a P2P network into transaction journals.

If the use of digital currency uses a bank account, this bitcoin uses a digital wallet which for its identity is very confidential and even anonymous so that no one will know except those who have it themselves.

Bitcoin is also not only an investment asset like gold but can also be used as money in general that can be transferred, used for payments, and so on.

Is Using Bitcoin Safe?

If we talk about whether it is safe or not, we actually have to consider it from various sides. Especially with an identity that is not really needed in its use, it creates two different perceptions.

On the first hand, this unnecessary identity will simplify transaction activities and even do not require intermediaries from anyone. But, on the other hand, being anonymous is also the main way for those who want to carry out laundering and other criminal acts.

Even for simplicity, you can make transactions between countries easily and quickly regardless of the exchange rate at that time. And from that convenience, it turns out that it is also often used to purchase prohibited items such as narcotics, illegal weapons, and so on. So, it's safe or not stay from your own definition and point of view.

How to Get Bitcoin ?

Then, how do you get the bitcoin ? One of the most popular ways is by mining. Mining here doesn't mean you have to use heavy equipment. However, mining using your own computer and internet network.

How to mine bitcoin , you have to solve several puzzles or puzzles that have complex math calculations that require special skills. However, if you do not have expertise in mining then you can make purchases at several Exchange companies .

What is the Legal Status of Using Bitcoin in Indonesia?

Because there are two different sides which have both good and bad impacts, finally the Indonesian government conducted a further study on this one bitcoin . After considering the social, cultural, religious, norms and other aspects in Indonesia, it turns out that the government's attitude is to prohibit it.

This is because there is no institution or regulatory body ready to supervise bitcoin, so the risk is enormous. In addition, the number of criminal cases using bitcoin is also a fairly mature consideration in prohibiting the use of bitcoin for the Indonesian people in general.


So, those are some explanations about bitcoin that you can see for information. Profitable or not, it depends on you and how to use it. Although its use in Indonesia is a bit constrained, the above information can be a new science and also useful as knowledge about bitcoin .

After listening to the information above, now you can use bitcoin wisely and obey the government's appeal because everything has already been taken into account the disadvantages and advantages. Hopefully the information above can be useful for you and everyone who reads it.

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3 years ago
