Let's change the routine for better future

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Avatar for Lesly90
2 years ago
Topics: Change in life

Hello everyone!

It's almost the last of September and autumn season is here with us. After a month winter also come. Day become shorter now and night's become more long and long. In summer days are productive mean we can do a lot of tasks in day but in winter people complete their task at night because nights are so long and according to science a person should take 6 to 8 hour's sleep.

Well it doesn't matter it's spring, autumn, winter or summer but i want to change my routine which isn't good for whole of the year so i want to change it but it's a difficult task for me. But they said if someone change the routine than he or she have to do this for 21 day's. So i try to do it for three weeks too.

Why i want to change my routine?

For a better future and for living a healthy life i want to change my routine. Actually I'm an insomniac person and i sleep almost at 4am or 5am in morning and than wakeup at 6am or 7am in morning because I've to ready my lil girl for school and obviously a mom can ready her girl for school.

Okay in this way i sleep only for 2 hour's out of 24 hour's and doctors said a person have to sleep for 6 to 8 hour's.

I woke up at 6am or 7am in morning, it's depends on my little girl if she have to go to school than i woke up at 6am but if she's of from school than i woke up 7am.

How i spent my whole day?

Obviously I've to do all my home chores, no one is here who do it for me. I do my routine work of the day but with sleepy eye's and sleepy mind.

All the day i feel sleepy and I'm not so active in day, i don't feel fresh like other's feel. But still life goes on. Even i become aggressive some time that i want to sleep and my tasks are never complete, even these are my daily routine works which a girl especially a mom and house wife have to do.

Around 4pm my eyes tired and i want to sleep but there's no time for rest in day. And God made the night for rest. As time reaches to 10 pm my sleep fly in air and i feel fresh just like people feel in morning.

After sunset i feel fresh but after sunrise I don't feel fresh

And i want to change this.

How can i do this?

It's hard for me because it's my routine since five year's but now I'm tired from this so with strong determination I'll change it. I try to sleep at 12am or 1 am and than if i woke up at 6am than it's good. But question is that how can i sleep at 12am?

Actually I've a routine to read some page's from a Random book and than i start to use my mobile phone, so if i don't read the book at night neither I don't use my phone than may be it's possible that I can sleep peacefully at night.

In winter my friends or sister's said that they sleep for whole day or night and i just amaized to know this how they sleep for whole day or night. They said we can't do anything in winter and it's wiered especially for me.

Ending words

No one can change this except me and they said nothing is impossible in this world you can do everything if you really want to do and now i want to do this because due to less sleep dark circles are made under my eyes which doesn't look good. First week is tough than it's the part of my routine, so let's start a healthy and peaceful life.

Lead image is from unsplash picture

Thank you ❤️

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$ 0.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Lesly90
2 years ago
Topics: Change in life


You touched a much-needed talk, I also want to fix my routine as I am having lots of stuff pending. This blog boosted my courage now I am going to set up my routine for my better near future. & best of luck to you my dear 🌺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we need to fix it for our better future. I hope you'll also set your routine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can change your routine with will power and determination. Thanks for sharing your struggles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago