I can't resist to buy......

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Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Stress, Foodie, Snacks, Books, ...

Hello everyone!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

As it's life, and there's always up's and down in life. We are all feel stress one day and than we can find a way too to get relief from stress. To know the factor of stress and than get relief of stress is really good.

What i do to cope with my stress?

There's many ways to cope with daily stress but everyone have it's own way to get relief from it. I usually want to spend time alone and don't want to talk to anyone. Live alone at that time feels me good than because in loneliness i can fight with my own thoughts and in this way i can feel good. Spending time with myself is really energetic for me.

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Always go ahead to buy....

It doesn't matter how broken I'm!! I always love some things which I can't resist even in stress and i always feel happy after buy it. I love to buy snack's and books even I'm in stress. I don't need to buy these things but i always feel pleasure after buy snacks and books.

Love to buy snacks!

I like to buy snacks, and live to try different new snacks. When I'm in stress, if i buy any snacks than after eating it almost i forget about my stress. Having some snacks and scroll social media on mobile always help me to get relief from stress. Maybe some of you guy's also do the same thing to feeling good.

As I'm a foodie girl and always want to eat something so if I've nothing to eat than I've snack's to eat. My Mom said to me that children love to eat snacks! Are you a little baby girl. And i just said, try it you too and than you'll love it's taste too lol 😂

Love to buy books

Being a book reader, I always prefer to have some books in my home. Sometimes i visit to Library and issued a book from there and then return to them after reading it but mostly i love to have books in my home. I want to have a small Library in my room, and maybe if i continue to buy books than one day I'll have a new Library in my home.

Although i don't afford original books but I'm happy after buying pirated books too 😆 😂 as they're very cheap in price

No one can't imagine, how I'm happy after buying a book and than read it too in a single sitting. I'm not a book worm but I love to read books more than watching a movie.


Everyone has it's own priorities and they've different things to be happy but i think snacks can gives the feeling of happiness to everyone. These are the only two things in my life which i can't resist to buy in stress condition too and these two are also like a therapy for me to feel happy.

That's all for today and all the images are my own personal images but first one is created with Canva.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

$ 0.36
$ 0.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Stress, Foodie, Snacks, Books, ...


It's also my plan to have a mini library in the house. Reading books + listening to music helps me to cope up from stress

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Buying some foods will really reduce your stress.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes indeed

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Books are also my favourite and I always try to buy books. These days I am reading why nations fail!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's really a good book, i read it in 2019 🙂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Big time. Use your money to eat. It's the best way to spend your money.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes you're right hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Have fun 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago