Effort matters

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Avatar for Lesly90
2 years ago

We all have some goals in our life.

We all have some dreams in our life.

As it's our life and we've right to have some goals or dream for our life. It's not difficult to have some goals. You just have to find out what's you want to be in your future and than that's your goals. And sometimes you like someone lifestyle, personality or anyother thing and you start to dream about that one day you'll also be like that.

For some of you people your perants have some dreams about you.

Perants only want you to become a successful person in life. They dreamed about that you become lawyer, doctor or engineer etc. They told you too about that but it's totally up to you that you come out True their dreams into reality or not.

Having dreams or goal about you is just like having expectations. The difference is that

  • When your perants dreaming about you it can be called someone or your perants have expectations from you.

  • When you dream about something than it means that you have expectations from you

When expectations don't come into reality than it's hurt.

So, it's better to avoid hurting yourself and your perants that you do some effort too.

Some people just have some goals and they don't start to do work for it.

But some people have some goals and than they start some work on it too.

There's a lot of difference between having a dream and work for dreams.

Working is hard thing in life especially hardworking is really hard. Some can do hard work and other's can't.

Many Eastern people also have believe on that without hardworking if they pray than God will come their dreams into reality. In order to come their dreams into reality they expect from God that their praying come true and in this way their dreams come true too.

But in reality it's not happening actually as We all know God also help those wjo help themselves.

Effort matter's

If you've a goal than it's a good thing. So don't miss any opportunity and start to do work with the faith that if you work hard than one day you'll have something as reward too. And than see the results at the end you really have something good.

Now here are of two types of people

Actually luck is also matter in this case, i think only 5% percent luck also matter. For example, you start to do some work on your goals and you face a lot of difficulties and you have many hard time in your first stage. But some of you'll start do some hard work and easily they cross the first stage and than they become energetic about that.

But in every case Don't lose hope, actually first step is important, first step matter's.

You see an example from your real life

A new born baby who start crawling after 6 to 8 months than baby observe stairs in home and baby trying to go upstairs too but really he failed many times, sometimes her guardians stop him to not go upstairs some time due to many factors he can't climb the stairs.

But when he climbed the first stairs than it's hard for guardians to stop him too even for his safety they put some barrier too in front of stairs.

So Learn a lesson from a baby that after many trials or failure one day he successful in his mission and when the baby grow older no one stop him to go upstairs.

Ending thoughts

Having goals or dreaming is good thing but work for your goals or dreaming is more important. Put your efforts on your work one day you'll be proud of yourself.

All the images are from unsplash picture including lead image

Thanks for reading my article

$ 0.06
$ 0.02 from @Idksamad7869
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Avatar for Lesly90
2 years ago


We do need to exert effort in order to achieve anything in life especially our dreams and goals.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes to get something we should give something in return too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True effort matters my friend. If we have a goals and all of us have goals in life, we should put an efforts with it because that's the key and first step that you are walking through your goals to make it achieve.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes first step is important in every case

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend that's true that's why we should always remind ourselves that we should have our first step.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yey Les I'm back here. How have you been? Effort whether in job, business, school, small or big pay off. Keep on focusing on what you need to accomplish on the day then adjust is necessary.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm also back here and Noisecash after a week 😁 it means we both sis were on holidays at the same time

I'm good what about you?? Yes if we focus on our goals than one day we'll succeed

$ 0.00
2 years ago