Consistency matters

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2 years ago

Why some people easily give up rather than stay and try again and again???

I know many people in my life who easily give up haha maybe i also included in them. But no you are wrong if you think so. I never give up easily. I try again and again yeah but sometimes i also need some rest that's why i took the break from work of some days. And then again start the work.

You should take every step wisely. Take small steps but take it regularly. I know the people who want to become biggest personality in a few days. People want to take long steps rather than short steps.

We all know that proverb

Slow and steady wins the race

It means if we take part in any race of life but we work slowly it means that you can be a successful person one Day.

First step matter's

When we start to do something than it's important to take our first step easily. I think our first step is about what we want to do. And a plan which lead us how we can do this??? Sometimes there's a person or a factor which guide us about everything. Like we want to know about our work from a person or from a source.

Set small goals

Just like take small steps you should also set some small goals. Small goals gives you happiness because you can easily do it. Obviously in starting days we should et some small goals.

For example

Example from student life

A student who learn slowly

Here is a student wants to prepare her exams than she set some goals. She set a goal that she have to learn half chapter of a book than she easily achieve this goal and than on next day she again prepare half chapter and than by taking small steps she easily cover a book.

On the other side student who learn within short time

A student who wants to prepare her exams than she some goals too. She set a goal that she should prepare one chapter per day so that at the end she has time for revision of 3 to 5 time. But she didn't achieve her goal to learn a chapter per day because she can't handle the time. Okay she think i would learn next chapter on next day. But here is a thing you may miss, that where her planner now??? Because according to her plan she have to learn next chapter on 2nd day but she didn't complete the first day goal so now her all plan disturb.

Okay she again made another planner but this Time she also fid the same thing and can't manage time because she love to do everything in few days but it takes more time.

So here consistency matters that you do regularly no matter you did how much and my personal advice for all of you that try to set small goals which you easily achieve than you can feel pleasure too.

Above example is of study life now i want to discuss the business life.

Many people want that in one or two nights they become billionaire. They don't do hard work okay they do hard work but the Matter is that they have big goal that hardly to achieve so they get tired. And give up by saying that we can't do.

When you need a something good than you also have to pay for it. You can also work slowly but regularly.

Here we can take a common example

Now a days every one creates his or her YouTube channel and try to earn something from it. But here in this field or in every field you need patience and hard working. People think buy upload 20 to 30 video they become billionaire no dude that's not the Matter but the matter is that if you decide to mske a YouTuber than you should have a patience and take it easily. I saw many YouTubers who give up because some of them can't complete the subscription and some of them can't complete the watch time. So they giy up but i see mostly people who are the top YouTubers and really with a good content.

So in every field of life you have just strong determination and just work with consistency than i believe that one day you'll be successful in your matter doesn't matter what it about.

Really sorry if you're getting bored from my article but i just want you clear this by taking easy example which is use in our daily life.

But if you love to read it than I'll just say that try on it and apply in your daily life and give somy love to me and give a Thumb up 👍

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Written by
2 years ago


The true secrete about consistency is that one has to take their mind of making any temporary gain and just do it because they want to if not they might get frustrated

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes first we have to prepare our mind to do something

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2 years ago