What Goes Up... Must Come Down?

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Avatar for Les_ley
2 years ago

I mean, it stands to reason right? It ya throw stones you expect to get hit at least once or twice. A few scrapes, a few bruises, a smattering of near misses. But here he was, voted the most handsome team player in the school, about to be pelted in the face in retaliation for what he said. Or more importantly, what he hadn't said in some people's eyes. Only this wasn't words, wasn't casual banter or thoughtless comment, this was quite literally stones. Hello, tace, stone, ergo disfigurement, impairment, blood...he wasn't good with blood.

That's when it happened. That's when his defensive reactions seemed to kick in and his whole world changed. In that instant, he wasn't Micky Collins, high school jock and all-round lovable rogue. He was... well he wasn't sure what he was, different I guess. Unusual perhaps. Freak some would definitely be saying now the truth was out. But what truth? Even he didn't really understand the logic behind the thing If he knew how he'd done it, what caused it, why him.then maybe he could start from there and reverse the damage. God, he'd give anything to be normal again!

No sooner had the errant words come spewing from his mouth at them he knew he'd done wrong. He wanted to take them back. Swallow them, choke a while in pennance, but Definitely, irrefutably, take them back. All of them. But they were out there. No do-overs, done. I mean, there were literally ten of them, and half of those were girls. Even the bystanders had mouths dropping open whispering, "Oh no, please tell me he didn't just go there?" But alas he had, and he did. His face went as red as hers blanched, and as the colour drained from it he fled. No apology, no remorse except in his hasty retreat. Just a cold, unflinching and unceremonious fleeing. In truth more to escape his stupidity than their taunts and repercussions.

"Hey, stop." came a familiar commanding voice," why don't you be a man and apologize! He knew that voice, that tone. Could it

get any worse than this? Not only was he a jerk, but his sister had to witness it too. Hell, could this day get any worse? Now he's sure that his mum and dad will know by the end of the day. I mean, she's a great sis some of the time (well mainly on weekends and when her older boyfriend took her places she wasn't really old enough to get into), but as far as siblings ..she had her moments and they were best kept to limited exposure.

So he turned around. He would face them like a man. After all he freely admits he WAS a jerk. The words formed in his head at the heat of the moment and he hadn't thought to filter them, or better still, to keep them in. They just happened, formed a big hole, a divide that grew bigger between them with every step he took in his retreat. But now he stopped. Stilled his beating heart, and faced them all eye to eye. The Haters. That's what he'd created now. For the first real time in his life, lovable, amiable, gets on with everyone, good ole Micky Collins was not merely disliked, he was hated.

That's when it happened. They hated him that much, that intensely tor the maliciousness of what he said that they threw stones. Some were small, tiny in fact, and some just threw him nasty glares and snide looks. His sister being chief amongst the latter, and the undisputed Queen of the "I'm gonna so pay you back for that" stares. He could never state her down. But with this lot coming at him he'd never get the chance.

Okay, so in that moment he knew they really felt that bitter, that shocked and upset over it, he realised nothing would ever be the same again. Some of the redness in his tace had had time to disappear, along with his backbone. Now he had his nerve back again, all he saw was arms swinging and stones approaching Even little Becky Thompson turned out to have the arm of a pitcher twice her size, and she was only twelve! I guess she has the right, he thought then, it was her cousin after all that he'd said it to. He could allow her that.

He noticed other things too. The cry of the gulls overhead mocking his stupidity. The small waves hitting the shore and applauding his turning around to face the music. Even the salt ot the seas pray masking the scent ot their anger and his fear. In the blink of an eye he noticed al that, and still the stones approached that beautiful, unblemished face. That angular jawline and those stunning green sea glass eyes. He blinked, he gulped and he stood still. To his credit he didn't even try to dodge them or turn away. He'd face their retribution, the payment was a fair one. Harsh, hurtful, damning.. but no more than his words had been, so fair is fait. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.. blimey, what lesson had he dragged that up from?

Then BAM! It was as if time stood still. One minute he was thinking, "God this'll really hurt," and wincing accordingly even before they'd entered his orbit. And the next they were just there, hanging in space! It wasn't like it was wishful thinking or anything, they were just suspended. He was shocked, heck he could even see they were too. Even his sister and little Becky were mouths forming that fish expression that never looks good on girls..or boys for that matter! But they were like in slow- mo, as if paralyzed. There, but not. Yet he found he could move, he was tree, out of the collision course and beyond their reproach - if he wanted to be. And for the longest time he just stood there in awe and a little scared. He wasn't sure in truth it that wasn't from the adrenaline rush, or the fact they wanted to do him harm, serious harm!

He waved his hand under the stones when he pulled himself together, checking to see if they'd fall. Then he thought he'd better make good whilst he could. He walked straight up to Becky's older cousin and looked her straight in the eye and apologised. "I'm so sorry, I was wrong. I don't expect forgiveness, but I truly wish you to know I know I was a Pratt." And he shook their hand. I mean, what was that about? Awkwardness I guess. Spur of the moment you do silly stuff like saying hurtful things and running away rather than pay fairly for your crimes). It's not like they could reply or pass some remark, so he had the edge there be guessed. And then he did one of the bravest things he'd ever done. Well, not so brave, for he actually removed all the largest stones and moved them mid air so their trajectory was out.

Micky Collins, proud college team hero and guy voted most likely to succeed, stood again back in the line of fire. True, only the small stones were there, and he was standing further away so the impact wouldn't be as harsh (well, he wasn't a sadist!) but he was there. In the path of harm, facing his punishment but fearing the pain. Only what he deserves. And in a blink of an eye, all seemed to resume as if no time had gone by at all. He went down with a girlish scream that was a cry for help to some, a jolt of satisfaction to others and music to the ears of his sister who'd never let him live it down. Yet they'd all seen. They hadn't been able to move much, or do much but think, but they'd definitely all seen and heard. They weren't letting him off the hook. Heck, even he hadn't let himself free of punishment, but he took it like a man. And his sister had never been more proud of her baby brother. Wow, did she have some stuff to tell mom and dad tonight!

The end.

$ 3.33
$ 3.33 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Les_ley
2 years ago
