Be like a Child - Learn New, Give & Forgive

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Avatar for LeonaReed
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Children, Learn, Story, School, ...
August 21, 2022 

When I was in high school our principal used to say and mostly repeat one sentence, and we were fed up of listening that

Be like a Child, Everyday try to Learn something new, Give and Forgive.

In the morning when we would gather, every Friday, id not every Friday then for sure next Friday, we will listen the above sentence, and we will always think, he - the principal, it was private school, principal was a retired professor - knows nothing. He also used to say, one-day you will understand the real meaning of childhood and the above sentence, and we would in heart told ourselves, he is just crazy, everyone know it, because they are kids. He always used to say,or greet us child or children or kid or kids. We sometimes thought we are not kids/children anymore, why is he still calling us kid(s) or child(ren). But actually he wanted us to know the nature of kid and adopt the nature of kid.

It took more than 10 years, when I studied three years in university, understand the real meaning of Learn, Give and Forgive. I wish we could understand the philosophy of this one sentence. We would have not lost so much, we would have not so behind, we will have lots of friends and learned a lot. I WISH....

Learn something New, Give & Forgive these are the habitats of children.

Every child tries to learn something new, approach what he sees, would try to touch, hold and to understand.

If you ask a kid for something, he/she will happily give that you or share some part of it, no matter how less or little he/she has. He/She will always try to share what he/she has with other kids, parents, grandparents and those they are near to him/her.

Have you ever slapped a kid or have you ever been angry or ever been scolded at a child? Though you should have not done like this or shouldn't slap or scold a child. Anyways, if you have ever scolded or slapped a kid

  • Did he/she take revenge?

  • Did he/she remember this the next time?

  • Did he/she ever say NO after that?

  • Did he/she make it personal?

  • Have you noticed, he/she won't talk to you after that?

No and never, he/she will never do like this. He will always give & forgive. I know it is hard to forgive everyone and everytime, but at least you can try. Sometimes it will be your mistake, 100%, which will later you realize but still the kid will forget about it and forgive you.

Closing Arguments

Always be like child, "Learn, Give and Forgiv'. Never make everything personal. Try to learn something new everyday. Consider yourself as child and rest adults/elders and always adopt the give and forgive formula. Be a kid, and try to understand.

Remember me in your prayers please


Lead Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

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Avatar for LeonaReed
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Children, Learn, Story, School, ...


Leona we would love to be in this paradigm like a child. Some kids will actually do the lists you have included above, until she or he able to control the emotions behind it.

Be like a child, you and I have a young heart that reflect our Father above.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

By be like kid, mean to adopt their habits and to be honest every child has the above mentioned habits

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How true your manager said. We must be like children in learning. We always learn new things this way. And children don't hold grudges.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not only to learn but to give and forgive as well.... I am glad for your feedback

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It sure is, dear. I'm happy too my dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago