Why Breastfeeding is important?

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3 years ago

Many mother feeds the newborn with formula milk, especially when the mother has not enough milk. But every single mother should feed their baby with human milk and not a milk from cows or animals. Breast milk has many benefits like it contains antibodies that protecting the baby from possible infections. Breast milk provides perfect infant nutrition for babies.

A breastfed baby has a higher IQ than the baby feed with cow or animal milk.

It is also reduces the risk of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and it reduces the risk of allergies and asthma in babies. With the milk from the mother, baby has less risk of childhood obesity because the milk from mother is more digestible for baby.

Nursing your baby will burn calories, it also helps to reduce a risk of cancer for Mom. And this is a good opportunity of special bonding between Mom and Baby.

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