The truth behind our lies

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago

Have you ever lied in your life? Have you felt guilt for some reason of lying? Is lying really good or bad? In this world there are full of lies, people are lying to cover something or we don't want to reveal the truth that we are hiding but do you believe that there is no secrets that didn't revealed. In eyes of people lying is bad for the reason that it broke the connection and trust. Lying is the best way that we can use to hide the truth. Sometimes those truth cannot accepted to ourselves thats why we act different from that situation. For example people are lying to cover the truth that they are poor and act as a rich one so that they will belong to someone who rich too. But I've already watch to many dramas about this situation and in the end they regret what they done. But sometimes lying is not bad, we lie because there is someone we need to protect from the truth. We are just protecting them but sometimes when the truth revealed we cannot avoid that they will get angry to us but we will not regret those lies because we have the reason and that is to protect them. Lying is not bad when it is used to hide the truth from someone that there is possibility to hurt their feelings. As people who lying we are ready to accept the consequences of our action whether we lie in good or bad terms. In the end people has reasons why they need to lie and as human we have no right to judge those people.

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