Sex Education

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago

Are you aware of this topic? Are you in the side of people who wants this subject to implement in schools? if implemented how does students take serious about this subject? In Philippines there are lots of debates regarding this topic, some says it will be helpful to educate the teenagers about what's the nature of sex education and also they see that this is the solution to decrease the inflation of young women teenagers being pregnant, in the good side it seems like the intention about implementing this was good since many teenagers nowadays are lack of knowledge about engaging in this situation. Thats why they are easily caught by their curiosity and try to discover what will happen if he/she will engage in pre marital sex, maybe if this will implement, students will realize the consequences of not thinking before engage, it is good to see that students will realize that its not the thing that you will just give to the person you love and you will forget the morality that you have. In Philippines it is being discuss in senate and giving the good side of implementing this thing. Also, this kind of education will open the eyes of many students that future is the most important thing and just ignore the lust they feel because they can do it in the future with the person they will marry in front of church.

Despite of good side of implementing this thing there are also people who against about this topic, they believe that this type of education will teach more ways for students on how to engage in sex. They are worrying that students will not take serious this subject and will make noise in class, well its normal in Philippines if the subject is English or math they are quite but when it comes to sex they are active in class. Maybe some against this thing because students is not yet discipline and they are not aware about this topic. There is a side of me that against this thing because students are too young to know the nature of this subject. Instead why they make an agreement that this subject will be teach in higher education such as senior high school or college since I'm sure many parents will protest why this subject is being teach in school and school is an institution that helps students get away from this thing. Maybe in he future people will realize that this type of education is not the solution to decrease the rate of teenage pregnancy since it depends on how the person handle his/her morality and how they affects by their sorroundings.

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago


Schools should have this subject as a lesson.They will learned a lot more about sex.Maybe then will be more careful.We have such subject in high school.

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3 years ago