Scary Stories:Jeepney Experience

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3 years ago

I want to share with you the scary experience I had in life, I would have gone home that night I came from my classmate's house because we had to finish the research because our assignment and thesis defense was near, I was so tired at that time so it seemed I am no longer on my own. I looked at the clock and it was about 11 pm so I hurried to the road and waited for the ride. I was lucky because I saw a jeep coming so I was very happy but I was wondering why there was no light inside the jeep and only the headlights were on but I had no choice because I needed to go home, I turned it off and it stopped, The lights inside the jeep suddenly turned on and I could see some passengers but I didn't notice much because I was very tired at that time so I got inside the jeep.

While the jeep was operating very quietly around as if the passengers were not crowded so I thought that the passengers might not know each other, after 30 minutes I noticed that the jeep's lane seemed to be changing, this was not the way home to us ah I said to myself so I asked the driver if I was going through it correctly but no words came out of his mouth and even though he was not looking around, I thought maybe there was a road being repaired so the route changed but while it was getting dark around me, I could no longer see the houses and only the light of the jeep could be seen there I was nervous so I shouted at the driver but I was so shocked when I turned around in the driver's seat the driver's head was cut off. I was terrified and my hair stood on end, when I turned to the passengers they were all bloody and various parts of the body were scattered inside the jeep. I wanted to shout but no voice came out of my mouth.

I'm totally scared I'm im starting to cry but somebody waking me up and I'm wake up from that nightmare, I found out that I fell asleep because I'm too tired, I'm very thankful that its just a dream but I feel like it's true, I immediately ask the driver to stop the jeep because im already scared and I choose to walk. When the jeep keeps away from me I feel like something will happen, I'm glad that I return to my home and I feel comfortable now, I start to pack up my things before I go to sleep because I'm too tired, when everything is OK I start to sleep in my bed. That morning I woke up because of too much loud news on television, at first I didn't notice what the reporter said but when I heard that there is a car crashed happened it immediately caught my attention, I watch closer to the TV to know whats happen and it shocked me because there was a jeep involves in a car crash and all the passengers and drivers inside that jeep is all dead, all victims contains serious damage in which part of their bodies is torn apart due to heavy impact, when I heard this news my body starts shaking, I can't believe that the jeep I rided that night is involved in this tragedy and the most frightening part is I saw this is gonna happen, my tears starts to fall I don't know what to do.My emotions is getting mixed and I feel scared. I don't know what to do but I feel like someone give me an insight that this will happen and I didn't do anything to stop that tragedy.

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3 years ago
