Reaction paper about Shawshank

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3 years ago

The movie Shawshanks is all about a man named Andy that was imprisoned for the two murders that he did.Andy is a successful banker but he is accused to the crime that he did not commit.While he inside the prison Andy was being abused by his other inmates but he still continue his life inside the prison.This movie is all about hope that Andy can surpass all the struggles that he facing inside the prison and hope that he can make a plan to escape from the prison, it also talks about the friendship which Andy is being closed to his inmates Red and also being closed to the guards and even the warden.In the movie there was a man named Red that is interested to Andy he is a kind of man that has a connection inside the prison and he can easily smuggle different things inside the prison.Red trusted Andy that he can make to escape the prison so that he gave many things to Andy.While Andy is inside the prison he try to develop a friendship with the guards and give a favor to the Warden so that he will be protected from other inmates that want to abused him.Andy is a very smart guy which he can easily hide the shortcuts and the wall that he was breaking.

This story is very suspense for the reason that at any point Andy will be caught and he will be punish and his sentense will increase but Andy never loose hope eventhough it takes a lot of time to finish and complete the carving in the wall but he is positive that he can do it and escape from that prison and live happy outside the jail.It teach us the lesson that in our life we must enjoy our journey in our life no matter how it hard and there are many struggles that you need to face in that journey just think positive that in the end of that journey there is a good ending and happy ending that you can feel and you can taste.Life is not all about negativity and full of bad karma but we must think and apply to ourselves that god give this struggles so that we can conquer it and that struggles will make us a braver person,because if you are a type of person that has no problem i can say that your life is boring.

In the movie Shawshanks Andy finally achieve his goal to escape from prison,from the wall that he break he made a way to the sewage pipes and he crawl until he reach the river.I can relate this movie in real life in which as a students the journey that I facing is going to school and study hard sometimes I face a lot of struggles that sometimes it comes to my mind that i can't do it anymore and im so exhausted to the things that i can't do but i realize that this is a part of my journey towards my dreams.Just like a road that is full of bucks i always think that in that end of the road there is a happy place that i can live and a happy moment that i can experience.

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$ 0.51 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
