Proxima Centauri B

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3 years ago

Are you aware that our planet will vanish billion years later? Do you think our own Sun will shine forever?Have you ever heard about Proxima Centauri? Whether we like it or not our planet will destroy inthe future and the humanity needs to evacuate in other planet or moon, there different options that scientists have if this situation will happen, they predicted that humanity can build dome in moon in which humans will live and continue its race, there are other options in which we can move in Mars but there is anomaly regarding this option because there is no enough evidence that Mars is habitable due to its abnormal atmosphere, another option is the biggest moon of Saturn which is Titan, though it is habitable, it is light years away from the earth, but the closest choice of the scientist is the Proxima Centauri b, do not make it literal because it is not close to earth, it is million light years away from us and it is considered as an Exoplanet.

When humanity realized that we can't live forever in this planet, scientist starts to find other planets that can habitable and relocate humanity in times of doom. Thousands of planets has been found outside our solar system but its sad to say that more than hundred is only terrestrials but being terrestrial is not the basis of being candidate for humanity, but there is one planet that stands among these terrestrials and this is Proxima Centauri B.

This planet is revolving on its own star system proxima Centauri, this planet has the same size to our planet and may have potential liquid water, it is hard to find out now because we have no enough advance technology to take a look in close what's the characteristic of this planet. Scientists tells that this is the best candidate for relocation because it is orbiting in habitable zone of its star system. This star is called Proxima Centauri and it is smaller than our Sun but its release not enough radiation thats why it takes trillion years before it explodes while our sun has 10 billion lifespan. Despite of goodness it is hard to explore in this planet because it takes 165,000 years before we can reach this planet with the use of spacecraft but it isnot possible since our technology is evolving and someday we can build an object that can surpass the speed of light and we can reach this planet in a shorter years.

$ 0.52
$ 0.52 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
