Political System in Philippines

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago

Do you know what kind of political system is the country of the Philippines? If you are one of those who live here, are you happy with the management of those above? The Philippines is a democratic country where the leader is the president and the vice president follows, in this kind of government the people have the right to speak in any situation and they have the right to everything. The Philippines is one of the most liberal governments in which the people have the right to vote for those who want to sit in office. But it hurts to think that the people do not pay attention to this right because they prefer to vote for people who are famous or perhaps personalities from television, sometimes there are also people who buy their dignity so it also leads to disaster citizens. I do not know all but most in the government are obsessed with money and they want to pocket the money instead of helping it to the people, but who is to blame? The people always say that it is the government's fault because they do not clean up the corrupt officials but the truth is that it is the people's fault, they are not curious about choosing the right person who will help them to fix the dirty Philippines.

Filipinos only act when a bomb explodes and all wrongdoings are blamed on the government, but to be fair most of those sitting in government are corrupt and have the intention of robbing people. This is one of the rotten government systems that needs to be solved, one of the problems I see is lack of technology, maybe this is the reason why there is no evidence that the government can point out that an official is guilty because most of the government is purely paper and lacks modern technologies, but I hope the philippines will change and people will wake up to the rotten system of government and one day the philippines will be as prosperous as before.

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