My Unknown childhood Experiece

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3 years ago

Have you remember your memories in your childhood? Is it makes you happy, sad or terrify? Maybe some of us has happy childhood memories while the others had experience traumatized event happened in the past, in this world we obtain many experienced in this world since our childhood and we will never forget it until we get old but do you have a memory that you can't remember? Well, its normal since we're just young and we can't remember anything in our childhood and that's what happen to me, I came from a family in which we have the ability to cure sickness and weird diseases by using of ritual and medicine came from nature. My mother was an "albularya" and she cure sickness of people, but my mother died because of illness and we moved to our Tiyo and Tiya and we lived there. When my mother died I can remember that I'm crying and I see her coffin raised by men and bring it to cemetery, I can't stop crying thats why they bought me an ice cream that the last memory I remember together with my mother.

But I can't remember whats happen then until my older sister tells me a story that I always shout that my mother was not dead, she tells me that I always get up to the hill, I don't know why I'm doing that but my older sister said that I'm always missing and they are finding me but they can't find me. She said that they can't find me in the hill but when they come back they will find me sleeping under the bamboo tree, when I heard this story my hair starts to raise and I feel terrified I don't remember that this happen to me but I know there is a reason about this thing. All of us had strange childhood memories but do not feel scared if you had this experience since it help us to develop what we are now. Maybe there is a sign that this happen to us, or maybe there is a people who wants to protect me, and hopefully there is nothing happen to me and I know my mother was protecting me against bad elements in this world.

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3 years ago
