My First Division Competition

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago

It was start at school when we present a SIP project about Bio Plastic and we got champion but the struggles starts that time since we win we need to compete in Division Level and we're nervous that time and rushed because we need to do the project perfectly and create the presentation, actually we're loosing hope that time. Were almost giving up but there is a spirit that want us to continue what we start. We have a positive mindset that we will finish our presentation though tomorrow is deadline and the day were going to present. Fortunately we've finish the presentation and we're ready to defend our research on front of representatives of DOST tomorrow, I woke up early and take a bath and pack up the things we need to bring in event. That time I'm really nervous cause its my first time to present in front of higher people.

When were at school were having trouble since time is our enemy and some of our companions is not yet at school thats why our teacher decide to go in the event and the others will follow us. At the event its very surprising since there are many students came from different schools and they have unique and awesome inventions while we have just bioplastics hahaha but were not intimidate and we just think that it will become fun and we need to enjoy it, actually were not reviewing our presentation and were just playing ml with my classmate, were waiting for our time to present and it took 3 hours before we present and fortunately we survive from defense and at the end we've got 4th place and were proud that we got a place though our project is not good, that the experience I want to remember until I get old since it's one in a million experience.

$ 0.52
$ 0.52 from @TheRandomRewarder
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