My First and Last Love

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Avatar for Leo_chan
3 years ago

Have you feel love? the love that you lost but you want to return but its too late? Honestly she was not my first love but I want to consider her the first since she was the one who makes my heart beats fast and the one who made me realize that I want her for the rest of my life. But what if I already lost her and she didn't want to go back? That question makes me sad, I regret what I've done,actually i didn't do anything but I will just catch the consequences, maybe people thinks because im the guy I must understand her but do you know the feeling of being ghosted for 1 month? Do you think you will be happy? but still I regret that I broke up with her, but now I still love her.

I'm willing to wait till she was free, I hope someday she will realize how much I love her, I'm not ready yet to face her because im afraid to hurt her again since I'm immature in relationship. Honestly I'm in pain right now to see her that she was already in other guy but its normal since she was just a teenager and exploring but I'm always at her side to talk to her and advice her. I think she broke with her boyfriend and im trying to ask if she was OK but there's no replies and it didn't stop me to have hope that someday she will talk to me without hesitation, maybe I can't go back the older relationship we had but I promise that in the future I want to see in personal and thank her, in that time im already succeed and has a job, maybe if she had no boyfriend I can ask her and try my best to get her yes and un that they I will never hurt her again. I will tell her while where watching the stars that she is my first and the last love.

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