Mirah&Peanut: My Two Dogies

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3 years ago

Do you have any pet in your home? How does it feel that you have cuddly pets in home? Does it fades your stress? Let me introduce to you my pets their names is Mirah and Peanut, Mirah is a Shi Tzu while Peanut is a pure Aspin, well Mirah was given to us because she was many spots in her body and sick thats why we care her and cure his spots and then months later she was recovering from sickness and her spots is vanishing, she was cuddly dog and her floppy hair makes me loves her, though she has spots we can't let her enter inside our house thats why she was sleeping in our chair and I gave her blanket. Months later she was get close to me and I always play with her, also I take her bath every week so that she will smell good, also to make her clean, thats why she was very close to me and everytime, I get away from house, she was barking just like begging me to stay but when I came back she was excited to see me and start to play with me, though I always fighting with her, she didn't pointed her teeth to me, were very close since I'm the one who give her food.

Then my next Dog is Peanut, well he was a boy and he give it to us because he was dislocated leg and also spots that why we cure his spots and give him food so that he will recover then months later he was already recovered and play to me, fortunately two of them didn't fight and they are playing to each other, they are also together while sleeping and its fun to see them playing and sleeping together, today they are on the same cage and they already grow. Mirah was pregnant and peanut is the father but unfortunately mirah was given birth in early time thats why her babies is too small and no fur, its sad to say her babies died and im the one who buried them and offer them flowers, I'm so kind to animals eventhough they are not humans I choose to treat them as humans also, I don't know but I love animals especially cats.

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