Mind your Language Reaction

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3 years ago

In the comedy series entitled Mind Your English, the way they act and say the words are funny and the character in the comedy series named Ali Nadim wants to enroll in the school to study and learn english but the principal cannot understand the accent of Ali so that the principal is confused because he speaking a english word with different sounds or what we called jargons. Ali is new in America that's why he cannot speak english fluently and he cannot understand english clearly. Mr.Brown is the new teacher in the school and he will be the teacher of students from different nations and speaking different languages.When Mr.Brown asked their names, but it is hard for him to know their names for the reason that his student cannot understand what he mean.In their classroom all of them is confused because they cannot understand the language of the their classmates, there is also a fight between nations.

In the comedy series, it shows that good communication is important when it comes to communicating and interacting with other people with different culture and nationalities.To obtain a good communication we need a proper gestures,tone of voice, body language, and spoken language.In the comedy series that i watched the characters failed to obtain the proper way to communicate because as we can see they have diffferent languages.There is an interruption in their communication that makes them confused to each other.Communication barriers is the reason why communications failed to obtain, the message doesn't deliver the message clearly because the sender using jargons and slangs that makes the receiver confused what the sender want to deliver.

In this new generation communications is very important tool to interact with the other people.Using english language which consider as universal language it is important thing that we can use to create a way to the world communication and using of internet we can easily learn and understand the language of other nations so that if there are times that we can visit to their country, it is easy for us to use their language.

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3 years ago
